

1)在pycharm点击file > Settings,选择左侧的 Plugins,然后在右侧的搜索栏输入 "EmmyLua" 搜索安装即可。2)安装lua: https://github.com/rjpcomputing/luaforwindows/releases3)安装lua的包管理工具luarocks:https://github.com/luarocks/luarocks/wiki/Installation-instructions-for-Windows#The_default_settings,点击latest windows-32.zip file here,选一个包下载。  解压后放到lua的安装目录下,我的是C:\Program File...

PYTHON Pycharm 递归超出问题 pydevd frame eval.pydevd frame evaluator.get_bytecode_while_frame_eval【图】

More on Stack Overflow [ 镜像 ] Seems really strange… I need some more info to better diagnose the issue: Open \plugins\org.python.pydev.debug\pysrc\pydevd_constants.py and change DEBUG_TRACE_LEVEL = 3 DEBUG_TRACE_BREAKPOINTS = 3 run your use-case with the problem and add the output to your question… Also, it could be that for some reason the debugging facility is reset in some library you use o...