【[React] Use React Context to Manage Application State Through Routes】教程文章相关的互联网学习教程文章

[React] Use React Context to Manage Application State Through Routes【代码】

We’ll create a Router component that will wrap our application and manage all URL related state. We’ll see how we can use React’s built in context mechanism to pass data and functions between components without having to pass props all the way down through the component tree. // index.js ReactDOM.render(<MuiThemeProvider><Router><App /></Router> </MuiThemeProvider>, document.getElementById(‘ro...

[React] Theme your application with styled-components and "ThemeProvider"【代码】

In this styled-components lesson, we set a "primary color" within a UI "theme" object. We make this theme accessible to all components by wrapping our application inside a . Define a theme object:const theme = {primary: "#a04ed9" }; Add provider:import { ThemeProvider } from"styled-components";ReactDOM.render(<ThemeProvider theme={theme}><App /></ThemeProvider>,document.getElementById("root") ); ...