【CentOS 6 2021 可用源】教程文章相关的互联网学习教程文章

Install Adobe Flash Player 11.2 on CentOS/RHEL 7/6/5, Fedora 20/19【代码】【图】

Adobe Flash Player are very useful for watching videos in web browser online. Without flash player most of the videos will not play in your browser. This article will help you to install Adobe flash player plugin for your browsers in CentOS 6/5, Redhat 6/5 and Fedora 20/19 Systems.Step 1: Add Yum RepositoryFirst we need to add required yum repository in our system. To do this create a new repo fil...

centos 20T硬盘(超过16T)分区

最近新买了一台服务器DELL R730首先我们做了一个raid 1 和raid 5在raid 1 上安装系统安装完系统之后,现在要进行分区了,那个raid 5 做完之后,实际大小是19T所以这里不能用传统的fdisk来分区了,这里采用parted来分区,我们的系统是centos 7的,文件系统类型都设成是xfs文件系统了这里开始分区:[root@localhost ~]# parted /dev/sdbGNU Parted 3.1使用 /dev/sdbWelcome to GNU Parted! Type ‘help‘ to view a list of commands...

Google Chrome 35 Released – Install on RHEL/CentOS 6 and Fedora 20-15【代码】【图】

Google Chrome is a freeware web browser developed by Google Inc. Google Chrome team proudly announced the release of Google Chrome 35 on May 20, 2014. The actual version is 35.0.1916.114 for Linux/Mac OS X and Windows operating system. This new version bundled with a number of exciting fixes, features and improvements, including:A new interface based on Aura (replacing GTK2).Added new app launcher...

小熊派移植 TencentOS-tiny+EC20+SAL框架对接 TCP/UDP 服务器【代码】【图】

1. SAL套接字抽象层 SAL全称Socket Abstract Layer,即套接字抽象层,主要作用是对上层应用提供统一的 socket 编程接口,屏蔽底层网络硬件的差异。 1.1. SAL层向下提供的接口 SAL层向下提供的接口在net/sal_module_wrapper/sal_module_wrapper.h文件中声明,如下: typedef struct sal_module_st {int (*init)(void);int (*get_local_mac)(char *mac);int (*get_local_ip)(char *ip, char *gw, char *mask);int (*parse_domain)(co...


有些程序会使用Chacha20加密算法,如果Centos7系统报错Exception: libsodium not found,则缺乏M2Crypto与libsodium依赖环境所致;Salsa20是一种流加密算法,由Daniel J. Bernstein提交到eSTREAM。它创建在基于add-rotate-xor(ARX)操作的伪随机函数之上——32位模加、异或(XOR)和循环移位操作。Salsa20映射一个256位密钥、一个64位nonce以及一个64位流位置到一个512位的输出(也存在一个128位密钥的版本)。这使Salsa20具有了不...