

我有三个表,每个表都有一个外键.当我执行连接时,我得到重复的列. 特定mysql> describe Family; +---------------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +---------------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | HEAD_name | varchar(45) | NO | PRI | | | | Family_Size | int(11) | NO | | | ...

mysql – A. *不在GROUP BY中,并且在laravel查询构建器上具有左连接【代码】

$search_alls=DB::table('a16s as A')->select('A.id')// ->select('A.*')->addSelect(DB::raw('SUM(CASE WHEN B.approve = 1 ELSE 0 END) as Yshow'))->leftjoin('a16s_likes as B', function($join) {$join->on('A.id', '=', 'B.p_id');})->groupBy('A.id')->get();当我在上面使用select(‘A.id’)时效果很好. 但是当我使用select(‘A.*’)来选择所有A cloumn时我收到了错误SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: ...


创建两个表(a_table、b_table),两个表的关联字段分别为:a_table.a_id和b_table.b_idCREATE TABLE a_table (a_id int NOT NULL,a_name varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,a_part varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL ); CREATE TABLE b_table (b_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL,b_name varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,b_part varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8分别向两个表中插入数据:a_table:                ...


我有这样的查询:SELECT m...., a...., r....FROM 0_member AS m LEFT JOIN 0_area AS a ON a.user_id = (SELECT user_id FROM `0_area` WHERE user_id = m.id ORDER BY sec_id ASC LIMIT 1) LEFT JOIN 0_rank as r ON a.rank_id = r.id WHERE m.login_userid = '$username'我们的想法是从0_area表中获取第一行,从而获得内部连接.但是,它没有按预期工作. 在0_area和0_member之间,0_member.id = 0_area.user_id.但...

mysql – 左连接带有子查询的三个表【代码】

Check this fiddle for DB and tablesSELECT p.* FROM Products p LEFT JOIN offertran ot ON p.prod_id = ot.prod_id LEFT JOIN Offers o ON ot.offer_id = (SELECT id FROM Offers Where dF<=3 AND dt>=3)ORDER BY o.id DESC, p.prod_id ASC LIMIT 20输出是:| PROD_ID | CATEGORY_ID | PROD_NAME | BRAND | PRICE | STATUS | --------------------------------------------------------------- | p3 | c1 | ...

mysql – 左连接多个表【代码】

基本上我想要加入3个表我已加入2个表SELECT * FROM Shop_id iLEFT JOIN Shopper s ON i.shopper_id = s.uid WHERE i.shopper_comp > 0 AND i.editor_comp = 0 ORDER BY i.sid我已经成功加入了Shop_id i和Shopper,我想将Clients添加到我认为的混合中SELECT * FROM Shop_id iLEFT JOIN Shopper s, Clients c ON i.shopper_id = s.uid AND i.cid = c.CID WHERE i.shopper_comp > 0 AND i.editor_comp = 0 ORDER BY i.si...

mysql – 在左连接中没有从表A获取所有记录【代码】

我有一份食谱质量保证状态表,想要选择所有“丢弃”记录,包括重叠状态的“完美”状态信息.但是,我只是得到了十字路口而且我想要所有’丢弃’的记录. 我想执行一个左连接,它会给出recipe_qa表中的所有’discard’行,并与任何’完美’行连接.select * from recipe_qa as bad left join recipe_qa as good on good.id = bad.id where bad.type = 'discard' and good.type = 'perfect'上面的查询返回行,其中id为“完美”和“丢弃”记录(...

mysql – 用或条件缓慢执行左连接【代码】

我有一个SQL查询,它连接or-condition上的另一个表,如下所示:select a.id,b.id from a left join b on (b.prop1=a.id or b.prop2=a.id)1026 rows in set (12.77 sec)如果我将查询分成两个,没有或条件,它会快得多:select a.id,b.id from a left join b on (b.prop1=a.id) 1026 rows in set (0.03 sec)select a.id,b.id from a left join b on (b.prop2=a.id) 1026 rows in set (0.04 sec)更快,但我手动必须结合两个查询的结果. 为什...

mysql – 左连接查询返回错误结果【代码】

我一直在努力用MySQL进行左连接查询.我有一个名为“at_friends”的表,我存储用户之间的关系.id | id_user1 | id_user2 | accepted 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 2 | 1 | 3 | 0这意味着用户1是用户2的朋友,并且用户1向用户3发送了朋友请求. 这是我的表“at_users”id | name 1 | "John" 2 | "Mike" 3 | "Bob" 我试过这个查询:SELECT at_users.id, at_users.nameFROM at_users ...


本文转自于:https://blog.csdn.net/plg17/article/details/78758593 用两个表(a_table、b_table),关联字段a_table.a_id和b_table.b_id来演示一下MySQL的内连接、外连接( 左(外)连接、右(外)连接、全(外)连接)。 MySQL版本:Server version: 5.6.31 MySQL Community Server (GPL) 数据库表:a_table、b_table 主题:内连接、左连接(左外连接)、右连接(右外连接)、全连接(全外连接) 前提建表语句:CREATE TABLE `a_tab...

MySQL – 左连接需要太长时间,如何优化查询?【代码】

领导者可能有很多粉丝.当领导者添加一个条目为leader_id 1且notifiable_id为0(表中为id 1,2)的帖子时,notification_followers表会收到一条通知.当当前用户14跟随某人时,同一表获得单个通知,其中条目leader_id 0和notifiable_id 14(表中的id 3). notification_followers(id为PRIMARY,除数据外的每个字段都是自己的索引)| id | uuid | leader_id | notifable_id | data | created_at ------------------------------...

mysql – 与左连接 – 产品一起苦苦挣扎【代码】

我有一个很容易的问题. 我有一张桌子products [ID,Name,Category,Price]和一张桌子product_client[ID,product_ID,client_ID]products表当然包含所有产品,但product_client的作用是存储一些专门为某个客户提供的产品. 所以我为这个写了一个小查询SELECT * FROM product LEFT JOIN product_client ON product.ID = product_client.product_id WHERE product_client.client_id =1一切正常,专门为这个客户返回产品.但我想要的更多 – ...

MySQL |左连接【代码】

我有这样的事情:ID | post_author | post_date | ... | post_title | post_status | ... | post_type ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | 2007-08-11| ... | A | publish | ... | post 2 | 3 | 2007-08-12| ... | B | publish | ... | post 3 | 1 | 2007-08-12| ... | C | publish | ... | post...

使用If条件选择多个字段,在mysql中使用左连接 – 抛出错误【代码】

任何帮助表示赞赏 – 1064 – 您的SQL语法出错;查看与您的MySQL服务器版本对应的手册,以获得正确的语法,在’as receiverimage附近使用,re.fName作为receiverfName,re.lName作为receiverlName,re.add’在行SELECT co.*, if(( co.senderid = 1) , ( re.image as receiverimage, re.fName as receiverfName , re.lName as receiverlName , re.address as receiverAddress , re.city as receivercity , re.state as receiverstate, ...

mysql – SQL左连接查询差异【代码】

tblEmployee表左和tblDepartment表右第一个查询:Select Name, Gender, Salary, DepartmentName from tblEmployee Left Join tblDepartment On tblEmployee.departmentID = tblDepartment.Id Where tblEmployee.departmentID IS Null; 第二个查询:Select Name, Gender, Salary, DepartmentName from tblEmployee Left Join tblDepartment On tblEmployee.departmentID = tblDepartment.Id Where tblDepartment.Id IS Null我上面写...