

在vscode中使用 ctrl+shift+p 打开一个选项窗口,然后找到配置用户代码片段,点击进去,输入vue.json找到对应的配置文件点击进去,然后粘贴下面配置替换即可。{// Place your snippets for vue here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a prefix, body and // description. The prefix is what is used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are:// $1, $2...

vscode 自定义vue的代码片段【代码】

文件-首选项-用户代码片段{"Print to console": {"prefix": "vue","body": ["<template>"," <div class=\"page\">\n"," </div>","</template>\n","<script type=\"text/ecmascript-6\">","export default {"," components: {\n"," },"," data() {"," return {\n"," }"," },"," methods: {\n"," }","}","</script>\n","<style scoped lang=\"stylus\">","</style>","$2"],"description": "Log output to console"} } 原文:https:...


总结项目用到的一些处理方法,用来解决数据处理的一些实际问题,所有方法都可以放在一个公共工具方法里面,实现不限ES5,ES6还有些Vue处理的方法。都是项目中来的,有代码跟图片展示,长期更新。 1.获取两个给定日期之间所有日期集合/*** 传入一个日期字符串(不要时间,如果带时间的话在修改方法)**datestr:形如‘2017-06-12’的字符串(如果是2017.06.12格式在修改代码,这里没有做通用)**return Date 对象 **/ getDate (dates...


1.点击文件 > 首选项 > 用户代码片段 2.新建或修改vue.json 3.将下列代码粘贴上去(可根据自己需要添加/删除) {"Print to console": {"prefix": "vue","body": ["<template>"," <div>\n"," </div>","</template>\n","<script>","export default {"," name:\"\","," components: {},"," props: {},"," data() {"," return {};"," },"," computed: {},"," watch: {},"," created() {},"," mounted() {},"," activit...