
Delphi Interfaces【代码】

http://www.delphibasics.co.uk/Article.asp?Name=Interface The reason for interfaces Classes that extend another class can be called sub-classes. For example, you might extend a bicycle class to have mountain bike, and child bike sub-classes. They inherit a lot of the common functions of the general bicycle class, but add unique features, such as stabilizer wheel options for the child bike. You can...


IInterface表示申明了一些函数,自己本身没有实现部分,需要由继承它的类来实现函数uSayHello代码如下unit uSayHello;interfaceusesSysUtils,Windows,Messages,Classes,Graphics,Controls,Forms,Dialogs;type// IInterface表示申明了一些函数,自己本身没有实现部分,需要由继承它的类来实现函数ISpeakChinese = interface(IInterface)function SayHello: string;end;// IInterface表示申明了一些函数,自己本身没有实现部分,需要...