

Satisfy directiveSyntax: Satisfy 'any' or 'all'Default: Satisfy allContext: directory, .htaccessStatus: coreCompatibility: Satisfy is only available in Apache 1.2 and laterAccess policy if both allow and require used. The parameter can be either 'all' or 'any'. This directive is only useful if access to a particular area is being restricted by both username/password and client host address. In thi...


Apache Core FeaturesThese configuration parameters control the core Apache features, and are always available.AccessConfig directiveSyntax: AccessConfig filenameDefault: AccessConfig conf/access.confContext: server config, virtual hostStatus: coreThe server will read this file for more directives after reading the ResourceConfig file. Filename is relative to the ServerRoot. This feature can be dis...


准备工作:在http://www.apache.org下载apache_2.0.44-win32-x86-no_ssl.exe在http://www.php.com下载php-4.3.0-Win32.zip安装步骤:1、运行apache_2.0.44-win32-x86-no_ssl.exe 进行默认安装到结束2、解压php-4.3.0-Win32.zip到c:3、拷贝文件c:php-4.3.0-Win32php.ini-dist到Windows目录下,并改名为php.ini,也把c:php-4.0.3-Win32php4ts.dll拷贝到windowssystem目录下(For Win98)或拷贝到winntsystem32目录下(For NT4/NT5)。4、...


#ExtendedStatus On   Apache服务器可以通过特殊的HTTP请求,来报告自身的运行状态,打开这个 ExtendedStatus 参数可以让服务器报告更全面的运行状态信息。  主服务器设置   Apache服务器需要各种设置,以定义自己使用各种参数以提供Web服务。对于使用虚拟主机的情况,除了在虚拟主机的定义项中覆盖的设置之外(有的设置必须重新定义),这里的设置也是虚拟主机的缺省设置。    Port 80   Port定义了Standalone模式下htt...


MaxRequestsPerChild directiveSyntax: MaxRequestsPerChild numberDefault: MaxRequestsPerChild 0Context: server configStatus: coreThe MaxRequestsPerChild directive sets the limit on the number of requests that an individual child server process will handle. After MaxRequestsPerChild requests, the child process will die. If MaxRequestsPerChild is 0, then the process will never expire.Setting MaxReques...


一、安装Apache 到发布Apache的官方站点htp://www.apache.org/dist,将apache_1_3_x.win32.exe下载到你的本机上并将其运行安装到c:Apache。如果安装没出什么错的话,安装完毕之后,Apache就可以开始使用了。其中在Apache的安装目录下面有很多readme文件可供参考,但仅有一个文件是讲Win32平台的,包括Window 9x和Windows NT。 二、安装PHP 到PHP的官方发布站点上,选择一个镜像,找到下载区域,选择“Source code and ...


KeepAliveTimeout directiveSyntax: KeepAliveTimeout secondsDefault: KeepAliveTimeout 15Context: server configStatus: CoreCompatibility: KeepAliveTimeout is only available in Apache 1.1 and later.The number of seconds Apache will wait for a subsequent request before closing the connection. Once a request has been received, the timeout value specified by the Timeout directive applies. ---------------...


ServerRoot directiveSyntax: ServerRoot directory-filenameDefault: ServerRoot /usr/local/apacheContext: server configStatus: coreThe ServerRoot directive sets the directory in which the server lives. Typically it will contain the subdirectories conf/ and logs/. Relative paths for other configuration files are taken as relative to this directory.See also the -d option to httpd.See also the security ...


AuthName directiveSyntax: AuthName auth-domainContext: directory, .htaccessOverride: AuthConfigStatus: coreThis directive sets the name of the authorization realm for a directory. This realm is given to the client so that the user knows which username and password to send. AuthName takes a single argument; if the realm name contains spaces, it must be enclosed in quotation marks. It must be accomp...


Syntax: ... Context: server config, virtual hostStatus: Core.Compatibility: Available in Apache 1.3 and later and are used to enclose a group of directives which will apply only to the named directory and sub-directories of that directory, the same as . However, it takes as an argument a regular expression. For example: <DirectoryMatch "^/www/.*/[0-9]{3}">would match directories in /www/ t...


这是我自己碰到的问题,在一台机器出现了apache httpd.exe占高cpu和高内存并向外网发大流量包,经过服务商和自己的努力终于解决了,要感谢tuidc.com。自己的机器出这种情况有很多了,下面看我一步步的解决办法吧。 一,把服务器上的udp商品全部关闭 二,那就是检测服务器是不是网站中毒了,经过分析是我的一个企业网站用的dedecms被人给上了phpddos了,这样原因找到了就好办了, 三,删除phpddos文件,把网站安全做好就行了。 经验...


PHP 的 HTTP 认证机制仅在 PHP 以 Apache 模块方式运行时才有效,因此该功能不适用于 CGI 版本。在 Apache 模块的 PHP 脚本中,可以用 header() 函数来向客户端浏览器发送&ldquo;Authentication Required&rdquo;信息,使其弹出一个用户名/密码输入窗口。当用户输入用户名和密码后,包含有 URL 的 PHP 脚本将会再次和预定义变量 PHP_AUTH_USER、PHP_AUTH_PW 和 AUTH_TYPE 一起被调用,这三个变量分别被设定为用户名,密码和认证类型...


客户端 | ===> |负载均衡器| ===> |反向代理/缓存| ===> |web服务器| ===> |数据库教程服务器| -------- ---------- ------------- --------- ------------ nginx squid apache,php mysql教程 eaccelerator/memcache准备工作: 引用服务器: intel(r) xeon(tm) cpu 3.00ghz * 2, 2gb mem, scisc 硬盘 操作系统:centos4.4,内核版本2.6.9-22.elsmp,gcc版本3.4.4 软件: apache 2.2.3(能使用mpm模式) php 5.2.0(选用该版本是因为...


.mysql教程 在如下页面下载mysql的for linux rpm包 http://www.mysql.com/downloads/down...3.52-1.i386.rpm http://www.mysql.com/downloads/down...3.52-1.i386.rpm 存至/home/tmp目录 命令列表: cd /home/tmp rpm -ivh mysql-3.23.52-1.i386.rpm //#安装mysql server rpm -ivh mysql-client-3.23.52-1.i386.rpm //#安装mysql client /usr/mysql/safe_mysqld & //#启动mysql server mysql ...


好长时间没有写博客了,最近正在学习php,所以把环境配置与大家分享一下。好长时间没有写博客了,最近正在学习php,所以把环境配置与大家分享一下。 软件准备: 准备的软件如下图所示。 apache在官方木有找到64位滴,特给出个地址,已测试可正常运行。 其它32 and 64位的均可在官方找到。 http://www.blackdot.be/?inc=apache/binaries apache 64 bitApache的安装: 注:本例只截取需要注意的截图,其它默认则不显示。 1. 服...