

第二章 启动阿帕奇 2.1 启动阿帕奇 httpd 这支程序可以藉由网际网路服务程序 inetd 在每一次有连线要 进入 HTTP 服务的时候启动,或者另一种方式,它也可以作为服务程序 (daemon)持续地执行,处理请求。无论选择哪一种方式,都必须设定这 个 ServerType 指令告诉服务器它要如何执行。 2.2 命令列选项 下列选项可以用在 httpd 的命令列上: -d serverroot 把 ServerRoot 这个参数的起始值设定为 serverroot 。这可以 藉由在配置文件里...


5.1.2 AuthDBMUserFile 语法: AuthDBMUserFile 文件名称 用於: directory, .htaccess 需求: AuthConfig 状态: 扩充 模组: mod_auth_dbm AuthDBMUserFile 这个文件设定作为验认之用的 DBM 文件名称,其中 包含使用者与密码的列表。文件名称是该使用者文件的绝对路径。 这个文件是以使用者名称作为关键。使用者後的值是 crypt() 加密过 的密码,其後可以加上选择性的冒号以及随意的资料。服务器将会忽略 这些冒号跟资料。 安全: 确定...


PidFile directive Syntax: PidFile filename Default: PidFile logs/httpd.pid Context: server config Status: core The PidFile directive sets the file to which the server records the process id of the daemon. If the filename does not begin with a slash (/) then it is assumed to be relative to the ServerRoot. The PidFile is only used in standalone mode. It is often useful to be able to send the server ...


WindowsXP+Apache2.0.39+php-4.2.3-dev源文件下载: 1. http://www.apache.org/dist/httpd/binaries/win32/ 下面的 apache_2.0.39-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi 或者apache_2.0.39-win32-x86-no_ssl.exe (A full setup package (.exe) containing the Win9x/WinNT Microsoft System Installer installer is available. If the Microsoft System Installer is already on the machine, there is no need to download the .exe, save your...


Syntax: ... Context: server config, virtual host Status: Core. Compatibility: Available in Apache 1.3 and later and are used to enclose a group of directives which will apply only to the named directory and sub-directories of that directory, the same as . However, it takes as an argument a regular expression. For example: <DirectoryMatch "^/www/.*/[0-9]{3}"> would match directories in /www/ th...


UseCanonicalName directive Syntax: UseCanonicalName on|off|dns Default: UseCanonicalName on Context: server config, virtual host, directory Override: Options Compatibility: UseCanonicalName is only available in Apache 1.3 and later In many situations Apache has to construct a self-referential URL. That is, a URL which refers back to the same server. With UseCanonicalName on (and in all versions pr...


经过一天的努力,终于装完了apache2.0.44+PHP4.3.0呵呵, 不禁佩服自己的愚蠢 :( 以前安装都是用php静态模块的方式,似乎在apache2以上的版本上行不通(猜测而已:)) 安装过程简述如下: mysql以前已经用rpm安装完成(rpm -ivh mysql-3.23.i386.rpm) 1.取得apache2.0.44和php-4.3.0的tarball. 放在/下 #tar zxvf apache2.0.44.tar.gz 解开目录为httpd-2.0.44 #tar zxvf php-4.3.0.tar.gz 2安装apache2.0.44 #cd /httpd-2.0.44 #./...


KeepAliveTimeout directive Syntax: KeepAliveTimeout seconds Default: KeepAliveTimeout 15 Context: server config Status: Core Compatibility: KeepAliveTimeout is only available in Apache 1.1 and later. The number of seconds Apache will wait for a subsequent request before closing the connection. Once a request has been received, the timeout value specified by the Timeout directive applies. ---------...


ContentDigest directive Syntax: ContentDigest on|off Default: ContentDigest off Context: server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess Override: Options Status: experimental Compatibility: ContentDigest is only available in Apache 1.1 and later This directive enables the generation of Content-MD5 headers as defined in RFC1864 respectively RFC2068. MD5 is an algorithm for computing a "message d...


准备工作: 在http://www.apache.org下载apache_2.0.44-win32-x86-no_ssl.exe 在http://www.php.com下载php-4.3.0-Win32.zip 安装步骤: 1、运行apache_2.0.44-win32-x86-no_ssl.exe 进行默认安装到结束 2、解压php-4.3.0-Win32.zip到c: 3、拷贝文件c:php-4.3.0-Win32php.ini-dist到Windows目录下,并改名为php.ini,也把c:php-4.0.3-Win32php4ts.dll拷贝到windowssystem目录下(For Win98)或拷贝到winntsystem32目录下(For NT4/NT5...


Syntax: ... Context: server config, virtual host, .htaccess Status: core Compatibility: only available in Apache 1.3 and above. The directive provides for access control by filename, just as the directive does. However, it accepts a regular expression. For example: <FilesMatch ".(gif|jpe?g|png)$"> would match most common Internet graphics formats. See also: How Directory, Location and Files se...


当 Apache 2.0.35 以正式版本发布时,发现网络上很少有提起能成功集成 Apache 2 和 PHP 4 的。就连著名的 PhpBuilder.com 上的论坛里也充满了消极的讨论。我是属于那种不敢气馁的家伙,昨天晚上工作到 2:00 AM 没有成果后,今天继续苦战,从晚上 9:00 到 0:00 基本有了眉目,但是由于 FreeLAMP.com 采用了 Zope+Fast_CGI 的组合和 Apache 集成,而 Fast_CGI 的 Apache 2 版本还在开发中,所以目前本网站运行的版本依然为 1.3.24。 ...


============================================= 本文我已经测试通过了! ============================================= 题目:Windows2000 下整合Apache2与Tomcat4 作者:robornet 日期:2002-10-30 原由:搞了一段时间的java项目,到分发的时候了,可找不到一份最新的Apache2与Tomcat4的整合配置,遂看了半天的jakarta在线资料,并参照以前网友的文章, 写了这篇配置文档,以作参考,欢迎斧正! 目录: 一、软件准备 二、软件安...


我是第一次哦。。。花费了我一个通宵,失败了四次,最后安装成功才发现原来是自己粗心大意,现炒现卖,刚装好Apache就上来把成功安装的过程写下来了。。。此文献给象我一样初初接触linux的超级大菜鸟,^_^ 我在安装redhat6.2时,ftp和http和数据库都不装,基本上只是装了XFree86。 准备工作: 在命令行下运行lynx下载apache-2.0.44.tar.gz #cd /usr/local/src #lynx http://www.apache.org/dist/httpd/httpd-2.0.44.tar.gz 下载结束...


IndexOptions FancyIndexing AddIconByEncoding (CMP,/icons/compressed.gif) x-compress x-gzip AddIconByType (TXT,/icons/text.gif) text/* AddIconByType (IMG,/icons/image2.gif) image/* AddIconByType (SND,/icons/sound2.gif) audio/* AddIconByType (VID,/icons/movie.gif) video/* AddIcon /icons/binary.gif .bin .exe AddIcon /icons/binhex.gif .hqx AddIcon /icons/tar.gif .tar AddIcon /icons/world2.gif .wrl .wr...

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