
Prototype RegExp对象 学习

代码如下:RegExp.prototype.match = RegExp.prototype.test; RegExp.escape = function(str) { return String(str).replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|[\]\/\\])/g, '\\$1'); };就一个escape方法,就是把那几个特殊字符转义一下。 还有就是match方法是test方法的别名。 看一个例子: var str=RegExp.escape("+.[]$://!"); document.writeln(str) //==> "\+\.\[\]\$\:\/\/\!"

Prototype ObjectRange对象学习

Ranges represent an interval of values. The value type just needs to be “compatible,” that is, to implement a succ method letting us step from one value to the next (its successor). Prototype provides such a method for Number and String, but you are of course welcome to implement useful semantics in your own objects, in order to enable ranges based on them. ObjectRange对象基本就是实现了连续的数字...

Prototype Number对象 学习

代码如下:Object.extend(Number.prototype, (function() { //返回十六进制颜色之 function toColorPart() { return this.toPaddedString(2, 16); } //返回连续的下一个数值 function succ() { return this + 1; } //连续执行某个操作 function times(iterator, context) { $R(0, this, true).each(iterator, context); return this; } //返回固定长度的字符串,前面补0 function toPaddedString(length, radix) { var string =...

Prototype Template对象 学习

代码如下:var Template = Class.create({ //初始化方法 initialize: function(template, pattern) { this.template = template.toString(); this.pattern = pattern || Template.Pattern; }, //格式化方法,如果从java的角度来说,其实叫format更好 :) evaluate: function(object) { //检查是否定义了toTemplateReplacements方法,是的话调用 //整个的Prototype框架中,只有Hash对象定义了这个方法 if (object && Object.i...

Prototype Enumerable对象 学习第1/2页

Enumerable provides a large set of useful methods for enumerations, that is, objects that act as collections of values. It is a cornerstone of Prototype. Enumerable is what we like to call a module: a consistent set of methods intended not for independent use, but for mixin: incorporation into other objects that “fit” with it. Quite a few objects, in Prototype, mix Enumerable in already. The mos...

Prototype String对象 学习

代码如下://String对象的静态方法 Object.extend(String, { interpret: function(value) { return value == null ? : String(value); }, specialChar: { \b: \\b, \t: \\t, \n: \\n, \f: \\f, \r: \\r, \\: \\\\ } }); Object.extend(String.prototype, (function() { //内部方法,为gsub和sub函数初始化replacement参数 function prepareReplacement(replacement) { if (Object.isFunction(replacement)) return replacement; va...

Prototype PeriodicalExecuter对象 学习

This is a simple facility for periodical execution of a function. This essentially encapsulates the native clearInterval/setInterval mechanism found in native Window objects. This is especially useful if you use one to interact with the user at given intervals (e.g. use a prompt or confirm call): this will avoid multiple message boxes all waiting to be actioned. 这个对象就是可以周期性的执行某个方法...

Prototype Hash对象 学习

代码如下://Hash对象的工具函数 function $H(object) { return new Hash(object); }; var Hash = Class.create(Enumerable, (function() { //初始化,创建一个新的Hash对象 function initialize(object) { this._object = Object.isHash(object) ? object.toObject() : Object.clone(object); } //覆盖Enumerable里面的方法,遍历Hash对象时会用到 function _each(iterator) { for (var key in this._object) { var value = this._...

Prototype Class对象学习

代码如下:/* Based on Alex Arnell's inheritance implementation. */ var Class = (function() { //临时存储parent的prototype function subclass() {}; //创建类的方法 function create() { var parent = null, properties = $A(arguments); //检查新建一个类时,是否指定了一个父对象 //如果指定了父类,赋值给parent if (Object.isFunction(properties[0])) parent = properties.shift(); //真正用作返回的类,在创建实...

Prototype Array对象 学习

代码如下:Array.from = $A; (function() { //Array原型的引用 var arrayProto = Array.prototype, slice = arrayProto.slice, //JS 1.6里面会有原生的forEach方法 _each = arrayProto.forEach; // use native browser JS 1.6 implementation if available function each(iterator) { for (var i = 0, length = this.length; i < length; i++) iterator(this[i]); } //如果不是JS1.6,_each设置成对象的each方法 //这里的_...

Prototype 学习 Prototype对象

环境: Prototype Version: '1.6.1_rc3' Aptana Studio, build: IE7 FF2.0.0.4 Opera 10 beta 代码如下:var Prototype = { Version: '1.6.1_rc3', //定义浏览器对象 Browser: (function(){ var ua = navigator.userAgent; var isOpera = Object.prototype.toString.call(window.opera) == '[object Opera]'; return { IE: !!window.attachEvent && !isOpera, Opera: isOpera, WebKit: ua.indexOf('AppleWebKit/') > ...

Prototype 学习 工具函数学习($方法)

$ $$ $A $F $H $R $w Try.these document.getElementsByClassName $方法——被成为瑞士军刀(Swiss Army knife) If provided with a string, returns the element in the document with matching ID; otherwise returns the passed element. Takes in an arbitrary number of arguments. All elements returned by the function are extended with Prototype DOM extensions. 代码如下:function $(element) { if (arguments.leng...

Prototype 学习 工具函数学习($w,$F方法)

$w方法 Splits a string into an Array, treating all whitespace as delimiters. Equivalent to Ruby's %w{foo bar} or Perl's qw(foo bar). 代码如下:function $w(string) { if (!Object.isString(string)) return []; string = string.strip(); return string ? string.split(/\s+/) : []; } 这个方法就是用空白字符把字符串分成数组,然后返回。 例子: 代码如下:$w(apples bananas kiwis) // -> [apples, bananas, kiwis] $...

Prototype 学习 工具函数学习($A方法)

$A方法: Accepts an array-like collection (anything with numeric indices) and returns its equivalent as an actual Array object. This method is a convenience alias of Array.from, but is the preferred way of casting to an Array. 代码如下:function $A(iterable) { if (!iterable) return []; if ('toArray' in Object(iterable)) return iterable.toArray(); var length = iterable.length || 0, results = new Arr...

Prototype Object对象 学习

Object is used by Prototype as a namespace; that is, it just keeps a few new methods together, which are intended for namespaced access (i.e. starting with “Object.”). 上面说的namespace个人理解就相当于C#中的静态类,提供工具函数的意思,和C#中的namespace应该不是一个概念。因为C#中的命名空间后面不会直接跟方法,肯定是接一个对象然后在调用方法,不过和C++中的命名空间倒是有些类似 clone extend inspect isA...

JavaScript 教程 JavaScript 简介 JavaScript 用法 JavaScript Chrome 中运行 JavaScript 输出 JavaScript 语法 JavaScript 语句 JavaScript 注释 JavaScript 变量 JavaScript 数据类型 JavaScript 对象 JavaScript 函数 JavaScript 作用域 JavaScript 事件 JavaScript 字符串 JavaScript 运算符 JavaScript 比较 JavaScript 条件语句 JavaScript switch 语句 JavaScript for 循环 JavaScript while 循环 JavaScript break 和 continue 语... JavaScript typeof JavaScript 类型转换 JavaScript 正则表达式 JavaScript 错误 JavaScript 调试 JavaScript 变量提升 JavaScript 严格模式 JavaScript 使用误区 JavaScript 表单 JavaScript 表单验证 JavaScript 验证 API JavaScript 保留关键字 JavaScript this JavaScript let 和 const JavaScript JSON JavaScript void JavaScript 异步编程 JavaScript Promise JavaScript 代码规范 JavaScript 函数定义 JavaScript 函数参数 JavaScript 函数调用 JavaScript 闭包 DOM 简介 DOM HTML DOM CSS DOM 事件 DOM EventListener DOM 元素 HTMLCollection 对象 NodeList 对象 JavaScript 对象 JavaScript prototype JavaScript Number 对象 JavaScript String JavaScript Date(日期) JavaScript Array(数组) JavaScript Boolean(布尔) JavaScript Math(算数) JavaScript RegExp 对象 JavaScript Window JavaScript Window Location JavaScript Navigator JavaScript 弹窗 JavaScript 计时事件 JavaScript Cookie JavaScript 库 JavaScript 实例 JavaScript 对象实例 JavaScript 浏览器对象实例 JavaScript HTML DOM 实例 JavaScript 总结 JavaScript 对象 HTML DOM 对象 JavaScript 异步编程 javascript 全部