

某一个时候,CheckBoxList的选择太多,用户需要一个全选或全取消的功能。下面使用Javascript来实现它。 准备好一个对象: MusicType 代码如下:using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; /// <summary> /// Summary description for MusicType /// </summary> namespace Insus.NET { public class MusicType { private int _ID; private string _TypeName; public int ID { get { re...


写Javascript来判断是否有对RadioButtonList选项选择,效果如下: 准备好RadioButtonList数据源: Cosmetic.vb 代码如下:Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic Namespace Insus.NET Public Class Cosmetic Private _ID As Integer Private _Type As String Private _Name As String Private _Weight As Decimal Private _UM As String Public Property ID As Integer Get Return _ID End Get Set(value As Integer) _ID = value End Set...


用Javascript为DropDownList控件下拉式选择添加一个Item至定义索引位置。 准备数据,创建一个对象,将是存储DropDownList控件每个Item数据。 代码如下:Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic Namespace Insus.NET Public Class Catalog Private _ID As Integer Private _Name As String Public Property ID As Integer Get Return _ID End Get Set(value As Integer) _ID = value End Set End Property Public Property Name As String G...

客户端用JavaScript填充DropDownList控件 服务器端读不到值

填充没有任何问题,但是在服务器端却取不出来下拉表中的内容。页面代码如下。 代码如下:<form id="form1" runat="server"> <div> <h3>看看用js填充的dropdownlist控件在服务器端能读出来吗?</h3> 三个级联下拉列表框: <asp:DropDownList runat="server" id="bigTypeList" Width="150"> </asp:DropDownList> <asp:DropDownList runat="server" id="typeList" Width="150"> </asp:DropDownList> <asp:DropDownList runat="server"...


1。 html部分: 代码如下:<table cellSpacing="0" borderColorDark="#ffffff" cellPadding="3" width="460" align="left" borderColorLight="#000000" border="1"> <tr bgColor="#cccccc"> <td align="center" width="180"><b>所有地区</b> <asp:HiddenField ID="HidDistrictId" runat="server" /> </td> <td align="center" width="60"> </td> <td align="center" width="180"><b>已选地区</b></td> </tr> <tr > <td bgcolor="#c...

asp.net Javascript获取CheckBoxList的value

以后我会陆续的写出这段时间中学习到的东西,与大家一起分享。这篇文章也算是工作中的一个笔记吧,希望给遇到同样问题的朋友,一点小小的帮助。 在 开发工作中,因为要做用到CheckBoxList在客户端用js操作,无论js怎样调试,就是无法获取value的值,很是郁闷,后来Google了下,去了趟CodeProject,算是幸运的。我们在网页上放置一下代码: 代码如下:<asp:CheckBoxList runat="server" ID="chkDemo" RepeatDirection="Horizontal" ...


话不多说,请看下面代码 var row = [{ "code": "1", "model": "APOLLO" }, { "code": "2", "model": "APOLLO M/B1"}]; for (var i = 0; i < row.length; i++) {var addOption = document.createElement("option");addOption.text = row[i]["model"];addOption.value = row[i]["model"];document.getElementById("ddlModel").add(addOption); } <asp:DropDownList ID="ddlModel" name="ddlModel" runat="server" Font-Size="9pt" Wi...

[Javascript] Broadcaster + Operator + Listener pattern -- 26. Share the Same Broadcaster Values Acro【代码】

To build out our word game, we will have to be able to share the word across a few places. This means we have to set up a broadcaster that will push the same values to multiple listeners instead of different values each time a listener is added. We will do this by creating a share operator that can capture the broadcaster and track all of the listeners so that we can hook them together and customi...

[Javascript] Broadcaster + Operator + Listener pattern -- 18. Create a Win Condition with a mapDone【代码】

Many streams of events end when a certain condition is met. When we run into that condition, well want to pass down our own custom values. This lessons walks through adding a done condition to hangman and how we can use new operators to control what happens when its done. Continue with previous post. 1. Set a win logic:let hangman = pipe(map(hangmanLogic), applyOperator(word), stringConcat); h...

[Javascript] Broadcaster + Operator + Listener pattern -- 12. Repeat a broadcaster that is DONE【代码】

After a broadcaster is "done", starting it up again requires calling the broadcaster with the same listener. This creates a kind of "async recursion" where you pass the listener back into the broadcaster each time you set it up. This lesson walks through creating a repeat operator that can start a broadcaster over.Idea for Repeat operator, is that when source broadcaster emit done, then in repeat ...


/*** @param {objectList} [arr=[]] [要对比的数组对象]* @param {string} [field] [每一项要对比的字段]* @returns {boolean} [isNotEqual] [返回boolean值每一项是否相等]*/getEqual(arr = [], field) {if (arr.length && arr.length > 1) { // 超过一条再去校验,只有一条不进行比较let isNotEqual = false;let preValue = arr[0][field] || ; // 默认第一项for (let i = 0; i < arr.length - 1; i++) {con...

Day4-JS-JavaScript HTML DOM EventListener【代码】【图】

一、addEventListener() 方法 (先上实例) <button id="btn">点我</button><p id="demo"></p><script>document.getElementById("btn").addEventListener("click",displayDate);function displayDate(){document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML=Date();}</script>addEventListener() 方法用于向指定元素添加事件句柄 addEventListener() 方法添加的事件句柄不会覆盖已存在的事件句柄 ====小技巧:可以使用 removeEventListen...


我正在向我的网站启用Web通知,并在事件监听器下方将其添加到Service Worker .js文件中,这在边缘和点击事件上可以很好地触发,并打开一个新窗口,但是Chrome没有任何反应,并且事件本身不会触发-self.addEventListener('notificationclick', function (event) {event.notification.close();console.log('Notification notificationclick triggered');event.waitUntil(clients.openWindow(event.notification.data)); })解决方法:刚刚在...


我有一个想要在事件发生时运行函数的类.每当函数调用时,该类实例的函数就不会运行.class Player {constructor() {window.addEventListener('keypress', this.key_press);this.keys_pressed = 0;}key_press(key_press) {if(key_press.key == "w") {console.log(key_press);this.keys_pressed += 1;}console.log(this.keys_pressed);} }每当调用this.key_press时,它将注销NaN.似乎该类的方法没有在运行,而是在运行copy(?).我也尝试过...


在我的主要网站(管理页面之外)中获得list_display功能的最简单方法是什么. 我有一组要选择并执行操作的元素.有任何想法吗?解决方法:到目前为止,称为django-filter的应用程序是实现此功能的最佳和最简单的方法.

JavaScript 教程 JavaScript 简介 JavaScript 用法 JavaScript Chrome 中运行 JavaScript 输出 JavaScript 语法 JavaScript 语句 JavaScript 注释 JavaScript 变量 JavaScript 数据类型 JavaScript 对象 JavaScript 函数 JavaScript 作用域 JavaScript 事件 JavaScript 字符串 JavaScript 运算符 JavaScript 比较 JavaScript 条件语句 JavaScript switch 语句 JavaScript for 循环 JavaScript while 循环 JavaScript break 和 continue 语... JavaScript typeof JavaScript 类型转换 JavaScript 正则表达式 JavaScript 错误 JavaScript 调试 JavaScript 变量提升 JavaScript 严格模式 JavaScript 使用误区 JavaScript 表单 JavaScript 表单验证 JavaScript 验证 API JavaScript 保留关键字 JavaScript this JavaScript let 和 const JavaScript JSON JavaScript void JavaScript 异步编程 JavaScript Promise JavaScript 代码规范 JavaScript 函数定义 JavaScript 函数参数 JavaScript 函数调用 JavaScript 闭包 DOM 简介 DOM HTML DOM CSS DOM 事件 DOM EventListener DOM 元素 HTMLCollection 对象 NodeList 对象 JavaScript 对象 JavaScript prototype JavaScript Number 对象 JavaScript String JavaScript Date(日期) JavaScript Array(数组) JavaScript Boolean(布尔) JavaScript Math(算数) JavaScript RegExp 对象 JavaScript Window JavaScript Window Location JavaScript Navigator JavaScript 弹窗 JavaScript 计时事件 JavaScript Cookie JavaScript 库 JavaScript 实例 JavaScript 对象实例 JavaScript 浏览器对象实例 JavaScript HTML DOM 实例 JavaScript 总结 JavaScript 对象 HTML DOM 对象 JavaScript 异步编程 javascript 全部