

下面是网上的 class ArrayToXML { /** * The main function for converting to an XML document. * Pass in a multi dimensional array and this recrusively loops through and builds up an XML document. * * @param array $data * @param string $rootNodeName - what you want the root node to be - defaultsto data. * @param SimpleXMLElement $xml - should only be used recursively * @return string XML */ ...


主要功能:php中使用DOM类读取XML文件 设计知识点: 1、XML节点循环读取 2、用iconv()函数实现编码转换,防止中文乱码 holiday.xml文件如下 代码如下: <daysOff-overTime> 2012 元旦 2012-1-1 2012-1-3 2011-12-31 春节 2012-1-22 2012-1-28 2012-1-21 2012-1-29 清明节 2012-4-2 2012-4-4 2012-3-31 2012-4-1 劳动节 2012-4-29 2012-5-1 2012-4-28 端午节 2012-6-22 2012-6-24 中秋节、国庆节 2...


代码如下:include mysql.php; $mysql= mysql::getObject(); $mysql->query("SELECT * FROM post"); $xml = new XMLWriter(); $xml->openUri(hello.xml); // or php://output $xml->setIndentString( ); $xml->setIndent(true); // start $xml->startDocument(1.0, UTF-8); // $xml->startElement(rss); $xml->writeAttribute(version,2.0); // $xml->startElement(channel); // title $xml->startElement(title); $xml->text(tit...


代码如下:/* 11 content1 2009-10-11 title2 content2 2009-11-11


PHP 读取和编写 XML本文主要介绍PHP 读取和编写 XML的方法,非常的简单实用,给需要的小伙伴们参考下吧.【推荐教程:php入门教程】什么是 XML?XML 是一种数据存储格式。它没有定义保存什么数据,也没有定义数据的格式。XML 只是定义了标记和这些标记的属性。格式良好的 XML 标记看起来像这样:代码如下:<name>Jack Herrington</name>DOM读取 XML代码如下:<?php $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->load( books.xml ); $book...


代码如下:/* * 生成ubuntu自动切换壁纸xml文件 */ //图片目录 $dir = '/home/yuxing/background'; $hd = opendir($dir) or die('can not open dir'); $files = array(); while($file = readdir($hd)) { $tem = "$dir/$file"; if (is_file($tem) && in_array(strtolower(substr(strrchr($file,'.'), 1)), array('jpg', 'gif'))) $files[] = $tem; } closedir($hd); unset($file); $xw = new xmlWriter(); $xw->openMemory(); $xw->s...


代码如下:/*获取图片新闻列表*/ function getPicNews($number=5){ require_once include/content_class.php; $C Content(); $sql=select contentid as id,title,pic,typeid from `cms_content` where pic<>"" order by input_time desc; $rows=$Content->getRowsBySQL($sql,$number); $dom=new DOMDocument(1.0,GBK); $root=$dom->createElement(slider); $dom->appendChild($root); foreach($rows as $val){ $item=$dom->createEl...


代码如下://xml string $xml_string=" Foo foo@bar.com Foobar foobar@foo.com "; //load the xml string using simplexml $xml = simplexml_load_string($xml_string); //loop through the each node of user foreach ($xml->user as $user) { //access attribute echo $user[id], ; //subnodes are accessed by -> operator echo $user->name, ; echo $user->email, ; } 这里是摘自本站之前发布的文章。更多的技巧可以参考...


php文件 代码如下:class xpathExtension{ public static function getNodes($domDoc, $xpathString) { $xp = new DOMXPath($domDoc); $xp->registerNamespace('x', 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'); $xp->registerNamespace('xhtml', 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'); $xp->registerNamespace('i18n', 'http://apache.org/cocoon/i18n/2.1'); $ret = array(); $nodes = $xp->query($xpathString); foreach ($nodes as $node) { a...


<?php /** * author: goosman * blog: http://blog.csdn.net/lgg201 * mail: lgg860911@yahoo.com.cn */ $str = 01234567890120123456789; function substr_remain_tag($s, $o, $l) { $is_match = preg_match_all(<<<heredoc ; #该正则表达式解析xml标签, 标签属性内部支持转义符"\", 支持对"\"自身和对应引号的转义 <(\w+) #标签开始 ...


class ArrayToXML{ /** * The main function for converting to an XML document. * Pass in a multi dimensional array and this recrusively loops through and builds up an XML document. * * @param array $data * @param string $rootNodeName - what you want the root node to be - defaultsto data. * @param SimpleXMLElement $xml - should only be used recursively * @return string ...


// Xml 转 数组, 包括根键,忽略空元素和属性,尚有重大错误function xml_to_array( $xml ){ $reg = "/]*?>([\\x00-\\xFF]*?)<\\/\\1>/"; if(preg_match_all($reg, $xml, $matches)) { $count = count($matches[0]); $arr = array(); for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $key = $matches[1][$i]; $val = xml_to_array( $matches[2][$i] ); // 递归 if(arra...


//读取xml $dom=new DOMDocument('1.0');$dom->load('data.xml');$em=$dom->getElementsByTagName('videos');//最外层节点$em=$em->item(0);$items=$em->getElementsByTagName('video');//节点//如果不用读取直接添加的话把下面这一段去掉即可foreach($items as $a){foreach($a->attributes as $b){//$b->nodeValue;节点属性的值$b->nodeName;节点属性的名称 echo $b->nodeName; echo ":"; echo $b->nodeValue; echo "";}}//下面是...


张映 男 28 tank 男 28 2、php处理文件,rexml.php /*** @ 使用正则表达式读取xml文件 @ Recoded By Androidyue @ site bbs.it-home.org ***/ $xml = ""; //只读模式打开所读取的文件 $f = fopen('person.xml', 'r'); //格式化获取读取的数据 while( $data = fread( $f, 4096 ) ) { $xml .= $data; ...


/*** 遍历并解析xml文件为一个数组* edit bbs.it-home.org*/public function parseXML($menus){ $result = array(); foreach($menus as $menu){ $tmparr = array(); //处理空文本节点方式A if( $menu->nodeName !='#text'){ // 检索子元素时跳跃过文本节点 - 处理空文本节点方式B for($i=1; $ichildNodes->length; $i+=2) { $aNode = $menu->childNodes->item($i); // 子元素遍...