【oracle between and 边界问题】教程文章相关的互联网学习教程文章

oracle between、 all、 in 和 exists的区别,模糊查询、4个正则表达式【代码】

--条件比较 /* =,!=,<>,<,>,<=,>=, any,some,all is null,is not null between x and y in(list),not in(list) exists(sub-query) like _ ,%,escape ‘\‘ _\% escape ‘\’ */--any some 只要满足其中的任何一个即可 SELECT E.ENAME ,E.JOB,E.SAL FROM EMP E WHERE E.SAL > ANY(1000,2000,3000) SELECT E.ENAME ,E.JOB,E.SAL FROM EMP E WHERE E.SAL > SOME(1000,2000,3000)--all 满足所有的 SELECT E.ENAME ,E....

What is the difference between Views and Materialized Views in Oracle?

aterialized views are disk based and update periodically base upon the query definition.Views are virtual only and run the query definition each time they are accessed.Views evaluate the data in the tables underlying the view definition at the time the view is queried. It is a logical view of your tables, with no data stored anywhere else. The upside of a view is that it will always return the...

oracle between and 边界问题【代码】

--创建一个表 create table test_hsj( id int primary key, num varchar2(12), regDate date )select * from test_hsj;--插入测试数据 insert into test_hsj values(1,1, to_date(2015-05-01,yyyy-MM-dd)) insert into test_hsj values(2,2, to_date(2015-06-01,yyyy-MM-dd)) insert into test_hsj values(3,3, to_date(2015-05-11,yyyy-MM-dd)) insert into test_hsj values(4,4, to_date(2015-05-01,yyyy-MM-dd)) insert into te...

Oracle开发之窗口函数 rows between unbounded preceding and current row

select trunc(order_dt) day , sum (sale_price) daily_sales, avg ( sum (sale_price)) over ( order by trunc(order_dt) range between interval ‘ 2 ‘ day preceding and interval ‘ 2 ‘ day following) five_day_avg from cust_order where sale_price is not null and order_dt between ...

Differences Between Enterprise, Standard and Standard One Editions on Oracle 11.2 (Doc ID 1084132.1)

Oracle企业版1 CPU 20w起,理论上最多打7折,官方75折起步,买了oracle还指望不用oracle各种特性、所谓平台无关的,真是钱烧的慌。报价各总结参考http://www.askmaclean.com/archives/oracle-ee.html,https://www.cnblogs.com/yingsong/p/4437704.html。 Differences Between Enterprise, Standard and Standard One Editions on Oracle 11.2 (Doc ID 1084132.1) Applies to:Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version 11.2...

Oracle Between(范围)子句【代码】【图】

在此示例中,我们将标准成本(standard_cost)列中的值在500到600之间的范围进行比较筛选。该查询仅返回标准成本在以下范围之间的产品:要查询标准成本不在500和600之间的产品,请按如下方式将NOT运算符添加到上述查询中: SELECTproduct_name,standard_cost FROMproducts WHEREstandard_cost NOT BETWEEN 500 AND 600 ORDER BYproduct_name; 2. Oracle BETWEEN日期示例 以下方的orders表为例进行演示:要查询2016年12月1日至2016年1...


1 where 筛选关键字; select * from emp where job CLERK 从emp表中列出 job大于CLERK的项 (由于比较的是字符串,所以加单引号) 2 between and select ename,sal from emp where sal between 800 and 1500 从emp表中找到 sal在800和1500之间的项(包括8001 where 筛选关键字;select * from emp where job >CLERK从emp表中列出 job值大于CLERK的项 (由于比较的是字符串,所以加单引号)2 between andselect ename,sal from emp whe...


sql中的conditions是在,delete,update语句常常用到的,其中range condition只包含:(not)between..and. 2)oracle的between..and..前后都是闭区间,也就是说包含两个端的数,例如: SELECT * FROM employeesWHERE salaryBETWEEN 2000 AND 3000;查询返回 2000<=工资<=3000的员工3)当前者数大于后者,如:salary between 100 and 10;此时不会出错,但salary为50的记录也不能被取出。 4)not between..and..只是取指定范围的相反范围,也...

Differences Between Enterprise, Standard and Standard One Editions on Oracle 11.2 (Doc ID 1084132.1)

标准版不允许并行、分区、闪回、各种缓存等大数据量必须特性,如此限制,oracle摆明了只卖企业版,买标准版不如mysql(如果不熟悉postgresql的话)。 Oracle企业版1 CPU 20w起,理论上最多打7折,官方75折起步,买了oracle还指望不用oracle各种特性、所谓平台无关的,真是钱烧的慌。报价各总结参考http://www.askmaclean.com/archives/oracle-ee.html,https://www.cnblogs.com/yingsong/p/4437704.html。 Differences Between Ent...