

推荐书籍:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1sjJIyRV任务描述:假设一高频查询如下 SELECT * FROM user WHERE area=amoy AND sex=0 ORDER BY last_login DESC limit 30; 如何建立索引?描述考虑的过程user表如下: 初始化100W条数据,其中,area要通过IP查询生成,sex为 0,1 随机CREATE TABLE user ( id int(10) NOT NULL AUTOINCREMENT COMMENT 自增编号, username varchar(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 用户名, password varchar(30) ...


CentOS 去网站下载mysql的yum源,地址如下:http://repo.mysql.com/在linux上先查看系统的版本号,根据版本号对应下载more /etc/redhat-releaserpm -Uvhhttp://repo.mysql.com/mysql-community-release-el6-5.noarch.rpmyum -y upgrade mysqlmysql_upgrade修改database,table,column字符集# For each database:ALTER DATABASE vipmonk CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci;# For each table:ALTER TABLE table_n...


mysqlGUI Written by Diana Gray, Principal Curriculum Product Manager, Oracle UniversityMySQL is the most trusted and depended-on open source database platform in use today. 9 out of the 10 most popular and highly-trafficked websites in the world rely on MySQL, primarily due to its ubiquity across heterogeneous platform and application stacks.MySQL is well-known for its performance, reliability and...


There are many MySQL relatedIRCdiscussion channels as the ecosystem itself grows. I join the following. Are there any that I’m missing?Freenode (irc.freenode.net):#mysql – main channel for all kinds of end user MySQL related discussions (the noisiest of the lot, naturally)#maria – main channel for all kinds of MariaDB related discussions#webscalesql – for all kinds of WebScaleSQL discussions#p...


An old, but nonetheless very interesting article from Facebook on the tools they’ve built to automate the management of their MySQL cluster — most probably one of the largest in operation:MPS is a sophisticated state machine written mostly in Python. It replaces a DBA for many routine tasks and enables us to perform maintenance operations in bulk with little or no human intervention.Original tit...


MySQL supports Stored Procedures which can execute set of codes by applying relevant business logics. In this post we will see how to create a stored procedure and execute it.Let us create the following tablesCREATE TABLE items(item_id INT, item_description VARCHAR(100)); CREATE TABLE sales(sales_id INT auto_increment KEY,item_id INT, sales_date DATETIME, sales_amount DECIMAL(12,2)); INSERT INTO i...


While at Percona Live this year I was reminded about ZFS and running MySQL on top of a ZFS-based storage platform.Now I’m a big fan of ZFS (although sadly I don’t get to use it as much as I used to after I shutdown my home server farm), and I did a lot of different testing back while at MySQL to ensure that MySQL, InnoDB and ZFS worked correctly together.Of course today we have a completely new ...


I recently upgraded my Mac to Mavericks and, of course, MySql was hosed afterwards. I use MySql a lot for development and demos and dreaded going through the pain of getting it running again. I recalled the initial installation was fairly unpleasant, with a bit of trial and error before I finally had my test databases the way I wanted them. When I upgraded to Mavericks, I panicked when my tests st...


MySQL, the original brand, the one developed by the MySQL team at Oracle, is steadily evolving. You can feel it if you try every new release that comes out of the milestone release cycle. Or even if you don’t try all of them, just testing a release once in a while gives you something to think about.The engineers at Oracle are trying hard to improve the defaults. If you are theout-of-the-boxtype, ...


Nginx 虽然 Mac 下自带了 apache + php,得总归还是 nginx 用得顺手,所以打算在 Mac 下安装 nginx + php-fpm + mysql安装 ningx为了方便起见我直接从 brew 中安装了 ningx,Homebrew 的安装可以参见Mac OS 中 Homebrew 的安装与使用安装,终端下执行brew search nginxbrew install nginx配置配置文件在/usr/local/etc/nginx目录下面,依自己的喜好配置。运行,终端下运行ningx即可,若 ningx 的运行端口指定为小于 1024 那么还需要...


NodeJS This time I'd like to share a basic and simple example of CRUD Operation in Node.js and MySQL. Its a lil bit hard to find tutorial Node.js n MySQL as poeple tend to use Mongoose instead of MySQL. Before we start, Please mind the environment of this Application.Im using UbuntuNPM, Express MySQL for NodeI havent tested it yet on Windows. but i bet this will work too.Installing all those thing...


NodeJS paip.最好的脚本语言node js 环境搭建连接mysql #====下载node...走十一个exe..容易的..1 #0----Hello world .js 2 #---------模块的建立而且使用..2 1. ##--调用 (载入文件模块---普通文件模块3 2. ) 3 3. ##---载入内置模块3 4. ##----三、载入文件目录模块3 5. ##--四、载入node_modules里的模块4 ----第三方模块的下载跟安装4 #---------调用mysql4 -----安装npm7 #-------------调试node-inspector/eclipse /webst...


FedoraDjango 折腾了整整一个下午,研究了关于Fedora20 下Django1.6+Python3 使用MySQL,记录一下。 1.安装 首先,作为一个小白,我走了不少弯路(都是sqlite3 啥都不用配置结果我以为其他数据库也是这样!) (_ゝ`) 首先,安装mysql,和相关的东西,我当时因为一直出问题,所以把有关的都装了.. $ sudo yum install mysql mysql-server mysql-connector-python3 mysql-devel 他会替换掉原先在fedora里面的mysql。 另外我当时没有装...


Here on thePercona MySQL Supportteam, we often see issues where a customer is complaining about replication delays – and many times the problem ends up being tied to MySQL replication slave lag. This of course is nothing new for MySQL users and we’ve had a few posts here on the MySQL Performance Blog on this topic over the years(two particularly popular post in the past were: “Reasons for MySQL...


This month another MySQL User Group meeting is scheduled, this time in Seoul, Korea onMay 20, 2014 @ 6:30pm. Please mark your calendar for this day if you are local... It's a great opportunity to hear news about delivering MySQL 5.7.4 as well as we saved some time for a MySQL User Group discussion. Please see details below:Name: MySQL User Group MeetingDate: May 20th, 2014Time: 6:30pmPlace: 15fl. ...