【C# ACCESS 修改表记录提示"UPDATE 语句语法错"问题】教程文章相关的互联网学习教程文章


string strConn = " Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 ; Data Source = sample.mdb " ;OleDbConnection myConn = new OleDbConnection ( strCon ) ;myConn.Open ( ) ; 2.创建插入的SQL语句string strInsert = " INSERT INTO books ( bookid , booktitle , bookauthor , bookprice , bookstock ) VALUES ( " ;strInsert += t_bookid.Text + ", ‘" ;strInsert += t_booktitle.Text + "‘, ‘" ;strInsert += t_bookauthor.Text +...


1.创建并打开一个OleDbConnection对象 2.创建插入的SQL语句 3.创建一个OleDbCommand对象 4.使用OleDbCommand对象来插入数据 5.关闭OleDbConnection 实现的代码如下: <在这里我们需要用到的是:System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection类!(如果操作SQL数据库,我们最好使用System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection类)> using System.Datausing System.Data.OleDb string strConn = " Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 ; Data Sourc...


/// <summary> /// 读取Excel文档 /// </summary> /// <param name="Path">文件名称</param> /// <returns>返回一个数据集</returns> public DataSet ExcelToDS(string Path) { string strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" +"Data Source="+ Path +";"+"Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;"; OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(strConn); conn.Open(); string strExcel = ""; OleDbDataAdapter myCommand = n...


原文:C#破解access数据库密码方法using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms;namespace Demo {class Program{[STAThread]static void Main(string[] args){OpenFileDialog f = new OpenFileDialog();if (f.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return;MessageBox.Show("密码:[" + GetPassword(f.FileName) + "]", "密码");}// 获取密码st...

C# ACCESS数据库链接

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string strConnection = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + @"E:\map\SansMachine.mdb"; OleDbConnection objConnection = new OleDbConnection(strConnection); //建立连接 objConnection.Open(); //打开连接 OleDbCommand sqlcmd = new OleDbCommand(@"select * from ParamFactValue where...

C#中CookieContainer获取里面cookie值异常:InvokeMember(&quot;m_domainTable&quot;) FieldAccessException

1.可能是主机提供商的 安全问题。 Their hosts works in medium trustsecurity, and ASProxy needs a full trust security environment.The error log is clear: System.Security.SecurityException: Requestfailed.C#中CookieContainer获取里面cookie值异常:InvokeMember("m_domainTable") FieldAccessException标签:本文系统来源:http://www.cnblogs.com/x-poior/p/5583227.html


平时我们开发使用的是32位的PC机,所以安装的也是Oracle32位的客户端。但是一般服务器都是64位的,安装的也是64位的Oracle客户端,如果要部署使用Oracle.DataAccess连接Oracle的应用程序时,可能会遇到版本上的问题。 主 要版本问题有两种,一种是32位版和64位版的问题,如果我们开发出来的应用是32位的,那么就必须使用32位的客户端,如果是64位的应用程序当然对应 64位的客户端。这里需要注意:在64位的环境中使用VS开发Web程序,...


<summary>///根据excel路径和sheet名称,返回excel的DataTable///</summary>public static DataTable GetExcelDataTable(string path, string tname){/*Office 2007*/string ace = "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0";/*Office 97 - 2003*/string jet = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0";string xl2007 = "Excel 12.0 Xml";string xl2003 = "Excel 8.0";string imex = "IMEX=1";/* csv */string text = "text";string fmt = "FMT=Delimited";str...

C# 创建Access数据库及数据表的增删改查

class ADOXer2 {3 /// <summary>4 /// 激活Access数据库(创建或打开)5 /// </summary>6 /// <param name="dbName">数据库全路径</param>7 /// <param name="pwd">密码</param>8 /// <returns>数据库</returns>9 private static Catalog ActivateDB(string dbName, string pwd, out string msg)10 {11 msg = "";12 Catalog catalog =...

c# 通过 OLEDB连接Access,DBF。【代码】

64位链接 this.connstring = string.Format("Provider = Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 ;Data Source ={0};Extended Properties=dBASE IV;", filePath);this.Connection = new OleDbConnection(connstring);32位链接 this.connstring = string.Format("Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 ;Data Source ={0};Extended Properties=dBASE IV;", filePath);this.Connection = new OleDbConnection(connstring);基本代码 this.C...


数据库,说明如何打开一个数据库连接。在这里,我们需要用到的是System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection类。(如果操作SQL数据库,我们最好使用System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection类) 代码:1 using System.Data; 2 using System.Data.OleDb; 3 4 public OleDbConnection CreatConn() 5 { 6   string connString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=E:\Workspace\\Test.accdb"; // 如果是Access 2007以前的版本...


(1)在向Access中插入数据时,显示语法错误,后来将生成的sql语句单独拿到Access数据库中运行,能正确插入数据,从网上寻找资料,有人的sql语句正常,但是该语句在Access中运行错误,错误原因为:sql语句中包含了access的保留字,并列举了保留字。通过对比自己写的sql语句,没发现保留字存在,后来实在没别的办法,将所有的字段都用[]包含起来,再次运行,正常插入,问题解决。 (2)向access中插入时间,显示操作符丢失。解决办法...


void Main(string[] args) {string connStr=string.Empty;try{connStr = string.Format(@"User Id={3};Password={4}; Data Source=(description=(address_list = (address = (HOST = {0})(PROTOCOL = TCP)(PORT= {1})))(connect_data=(service_name={2})));", "", "1521", "orcl", "system", "oracle123");using (OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection(connStr)){OracleCommand comm = new OracleCommand("...

【转载记录】Accessing Device Drivers from C#【代码】

Device Drivers are written largely in C or C++. No explicit support for Device Driver communication is included in the current .NET framework. David implements support with C# and discusses how to access Win32 APIs using the Platform Invocation Services and how to make that reusable from within the .NET framework with Overloading.In the new Microsoft vision user space applications are written with...

C# ACCESS 修改表记录提示&quot;UPDATE 语句语法错&quot;问题

错误的sql 语句如下: sqlStr = "update tb_userInfo set passWord=‘" + pw + "‘ where userName=‘" + un + "‘"; //错误的 sql 语句 正确的sql 语句如下: sqlStr = "update tb_userInfo set [passWord]=‘" + pw + "‘ where userName=‘" + un + "‘"; //正确的 sql 语句 错误原因:password或passWord 是关键字,必须加方括号 [password] 或 [passWord]C# ACCESS 修改表记录提示"UPDATE 语句语法错"问题标签:s...