【sqlserver 字符串日期比较大小】教程文章相关的互联网学习教程文章

sqlserver 字符串日期比较大小【代码】

select top 20 *from sp_goodscontentwhere LEN(goodsId)>3 and buyNow is not null and giftArray=‘好单库‘ --and goodsId=‘560969552229‘ order by CREATE_date DESCselect count(1) from sp_goodscontentwhere buyNow is null and giftArray=‘好单库‘select count(1) from sp_goodscontentwhere giftArray=‘好单库‘ and buyNow is not nullselect *from sp_goodscontentwhere LEN(goodsId)>3 and buyNow is null ...


1、Datediff: 1.1算出日期差: 1.access: datediff(d,fixdate,getdate()) 2.sqlserver: datediff(day,fixdate,getdate()) ACCESS实例: select * from table where data=datediff(d,fixdate,getdate()) sqlserver实例: select * from tabl 1、Datediff:1.1算出日期差:1.access: datediff(d,fixdate,getdate())2.sqlserver: datediff(day,fixdate,getdate())ACCESS实例: select * from tab...