
jpa语句报 org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException: Parameter with that position [2] did not exist; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Parameter with that position【代码】

@Query("SELECT area from Area AS area WHERE area.state=0 AND area.name like %?1% ")Area findByIsCityAndNameLike(int iscity,String name);第一反应: 将 AND area.name like %?1% 后的 1要改成2 但是依然报错仔细反应了 @Query("SELECT area from Area AS area WHERE area.state=0 AND area.isCity = ?1 AND area.name like %?2% ") 就正确了jpa语句报 org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException: Parame...


public class ReadBigFile {public static void readBigFile() throws IOException{String fileName = "/Users/mc2/Desktop/youku.txt";RandomAccessFile randomFile = null;randomFile = new RandomAccessFile(fileName, "r");long fileLength = randomFile.length();System.out.println("文件大小:" + fileLength);int start = 46000;randomFile.seek(start);byte[] bytes = new byte[91];int byteread = 0;// 一次读10个字节,如...

Effective Java 英文 第二版 读书笔记 Item 13:Minimize the accessibility of classes and members

访问修饰符的可见域 ? private—The member is accessible only from the top-level class where it is declared.? package-private—The member is accessible from any class in the packagewhere it is declared. Technically known as default access, this is the access levelyou get if no access modifier is specified.? protected—The member is accessible from subclasses of the class where it isdeclared (subject...


com.lgl.hellojava;import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.PrintWriter;public class HelloJJAVA {public static void main(String[] args) {try {BufferedReader bufr = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));PrintWriter oWriter = new PrintWriter(System.out, true);String line = null;while ((line = bufr.readLine()) != null) {...

Java 反射调用私有域和方法(setAccessible)【代码】

setAccessible(AccessibleObject[] array, boolean flag) 使用单一安全性检查(为了提高效率)为一组对象设置 accessible 标志的便捷方法。 void setAccessible(boolean flag) 将此对象的 accessible 标志设置为指示的布尔值。 setAccessible public static void setAccessible(AccessibleObject[] array,boolean flag)throws SecurityException 使用单一安全性检查(为了提高效率)为一组对象设置 acces...

深入理解JAVA I/O系列四:RandomAccessFile【代码】【图】

三、DEMO演示 (1)、写入文件 1 public class RandomAccessFileTest2 {3 public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException4 {5 RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile("d:/data.txt","rw");6 Person p = new Person(1001,"xiaoming",1.80d);7 p.write(raf);8 }9 } 10 class Person 11 { 12 int id; 13 String name; 14 double height; 15 public Person()...

Java解决No enclosing instance of type PrintListFromTailToHead is accessible问题【代码】

of type PrintListFromTailToHead (e.g. x.new A() where x is an instance of PrintListFromTailToHead). 源代码为: 1 public class PrintListFromTailToHead {2 3 public static void main(String[] args) {4 ListNode one = new ListNode(1);5 ListNode two = new ListNode(2);6 ListNode three = new ListNode(3);7 one.next = two;8 two.next = three;9 10 ...



Java中报错No enclosing instance of type caiquan is accessible. Must qualify the allocation with an enclosing instance of type caiquan (e.g. x.new A() where x is an instance of caiquan).

package test;import java.util.Scanner;import java.util.Random;public class caiquan { public static void main(String[] args){ Game g=new Game(); g.begin(); } //将这个类定义为静态就好了,也就说改成 static class Game class Game{ public void begin(){ System.out.println("********************"); System.out.println("A finger-guessing game"); System.out.println("********************"); System....

Java RandomAccess【代码】

static <T> int binarySearch(List<? extends Comparable<? super T>> list, T key){if(list instanceof RandomAccess || list.size()<BINARYSEARCH_THRESHOLD)return Collections.indexedBinarySearch(list, key);elsereturn Collections.iteratorBinarySearch(list, key); }BINARYSEARCH_THRESHOLD的值是5000. 代码的意思是list的大小少于5000或者list实现了RandomAccess, 就采用index的方式遍历, 反之就采用iterator的方式遍历....

java-sun.misc.BASE64Decode AccessException【图】

在使用sun.misc中base64类时,eclipse可能会报找不到Access异常只需要修改一下访问方式即可,如下: 右键项目-》属性-》Java bulid path-》jre System Library-》access rules-》resolution选择accessible,下面填上** 点击确定即可 java-sun.misc.BASE64Decode AccessException标签:get code bsp lips access 方式 tle java 选择 本文系统来源:http://www.cnblogs.com/xjh713/p/6130870.html

Java,AWTUtilities,eclipse报编译错误:Access restriction: The type &#39;AWTUtilities&#39; is not API (restriction on required library &#39;C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\lib\rt.jar&#39;)

2、列表树中选中Java Build Path,选项页中选中Libraries页 3、选中JRE项,Remove 4、Add Library 5、选中JRE System Library,Next 6、选中Alternate JRE,下拉列表中选择您的JRE,Finish 7、OK Java,AWTUtilities,eclipse报编译错误:Access restriction: The type AWTUtilities is not API (restriction on required library C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\lib\rt.jar)标签:rem pat str 错误 下拉 java jar typ...

myeclispe2014启动后报错 Subclipse talks to Subversion via a Java API that requires access to native libraries.【图】

将SVN接口的Client修改为如图所示 myeclispe2014启动后报错 Subclipse talks to Subversion via a Java API that requires access to native libraries.标签:nbsp client images window rar str alt aries 分享 本文系统来源:http://www.cnblogs.com/liuyangfirst/p/6441955.html


前几天新装了系统,做了一个从access数据库中查询内容的程序,运行的时候总是提示数据库的驱动加载不正确,网上百度的结果都是说电脑没有配置odbc数据源,或者是Driver后面空格的问题,可是我检查了之后,这些都没有错;后来发现是新导入的java工程,程序默认了eclipse的jre system library,我就把这个默认的修改成我电脑配置的jdk后,再次运行,程序就正常了java访问access数据库驱动加载不正确标签:java library lips 分...

Java IO RandomAccessFile 任意位置读/写【代码】

RandomAccessFile的唯一父类是Object,与其他流父类不同。是用来访问那些保存数据记录的文件的,这样你就可以用seek( )方法来访问记录,并进行读写了。这些记录的大小不必相同;但是其大小和位置必须是可知的。 RandomAccessFile是不属于InputStream和OutputStream类系的。实际上,除了实现DataInput和DataOutput接口之外(DataInputStream和DataOutputStream也实现了这两个接口),它和这两个类系毫不相干,甚至都没有用InputStream...