
Access 64-bit HKLM\Software Registry by 32-bit C#.NET Application【代码】

http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/1003177/Access-bit-HKLM-Software-Registry-by-bit-Csharp-NEWhile running 32-bit Windows application on a 64-bit windows OS, there is a registry redirection. Here, if 32-bit application tries to read a key under HKLM\Software, then due to Registry redirection effective path becomes HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node. For example, we are running 64-bit and 32-bit applicatio...

com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.RpcException: Forbid consumer access service com.qingmu.core.service.ContentService from registry use dubbo version 2.8.4 access service com.qingmu.core.service.ContentService from registry use dubbo version 2.8.4, Please check registry access list (whitelist/blacklist).at com.alibaba.dubbo.registry.integration.RegistryDirectory.doList(RegistryDirectory.java:579)at com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.cluster.directory.AbstractDirectory.list(AbstractDirectory.java:73)at com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.cluster...

【解决】image ... could not be accessed on a registry to record its digest.【图】

image jmdiservice:1206 could not be accessed on a registry to record its digest. Each node will access jmdiservice:1206 independently, possibly leading to different nodes running different versions of the image. 【分析】创建service时未指定registry地址(这样主节点也可以创建成功,这因为主节点本地存在该镜像),但是同样会导致子节点获取的镜像时也使用本地缓存,也就有可能导致使用的镜像不一致,或者获...