

本文讲述三个内容: 一:说明 二:环境配置 三:操作脚本内容 一:说明 MS从来没有提供过SQLServer for Linux,所以大家也不要去尝试在Linux系统安装SQLServer,但是可以 通过 ODBC 连接 Windows系统的SQLServer数据库; WindowsServer 2003用户注意: 在Windows Se本文讲述三个内容: 一:说明 二:环境配置 三:操作脚本内容一:说明 MS从来没有提供过SQLServer for Linux,所以大家也不要去尝试在Linux系统安装SQLServer,但是可以通过ODBC连接...


select时报错 DBD::ODBC::st fetchrow_arrayref failed: st_fetch/SQLFetch (long truncated DBI attribute LongTruncOk not set and/or LongReadLentoo small) (SQL-HY000) 这种情况加上 $dbh_mssql-{LongTruncOk} = 1; 可以解决。 但是这种方式会 截断 字符select时报错 DBD::ODBC::st fetchrow_arrayref failed: st_fetch/SQLFetch (long truncated DBI attribute LongTruncOk not set and/or LongReadLen too small) (SQL-HY00...


I just released the 3rddevelopment release of DBD::ODBC (1.39_3). Apart from a few bug fixes and other changes (see below) this release adds support for MS SQL Server Query Notification. Query notification allows an application to request a notification from SQL Server when the results of a query change. Once set up you can block on an execute call waiting for the query to change. Here is an excer...