

从下面的例子中可以看到,在生产数据库中对象的重新编译会导致library cache lock,所以应该尽量避免在业务高峰期编译对象。如果 从下面的例子中可以看到,在生产数据库中对象的重新编译会导致library cache lock,所以应该尽量避免在业务高峰期编译对象。如果是package或过程中存在复杂的依赖关系就极易导致library cache lock的出现,所以在应用开发的过程中,,也应该注意这方面的问题。 session1: SQL> select * from v$versio...


NAME AVALUE SDESC _inmemory_check_prot_meta FALSE If true, marks SMU area read only to prevent stray writes _inmemory_private_journal_quota 100 quota for transaction in-memory private journals _inmemory_private_journal_sharedpool_quota 20NAME AVALUE SDESC_inmemory_check_prot_meta FALSE If true, marks SMU area read only to prevent stray writes_inmemory_private_journal_quota 100 quota for transactio...

oracle row cache lock 之sequence【代码】

今天遇到一个生产库产生大量row cache lock,以下是相应步骤: 1 查询当时P1的情况 select INSTANCE_NUMBER,p1,count(*) cnt from dba_hist_active_sess_history where event=row cache lock and SAMPLE_TIME>=to_date(2018-08-31 10:00:00,yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss) and SAMPLE_TIME <=to_date(2018-08-31 10:40:00,yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss) group by INSTANCE_NUMBER,p1 order by cnt; 2 根据第一步查询的P1,代入到下面cache#...

oracle查询buffer cache中undo大小【代码】

1.Does undo buffer exists or changes will directly write to undo datafiles?Undo blocks are database blocks, so they will sit in the buffer cache like others, eg虽然无法控制undo buffer大小,但是可以查询到其大小,如下 SQL> select count(*)2 from v$bh3 where file# in (4 select file#5 from v$datafile6 where name like %UNDO% );COUNT(*) ----------54732.Does redo contains both undo & redo re...