

http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Psycopg2_Tutorial There are any number of programming languages available for you to use with PostgreSQL. One could argue that PostgreSQL as an Open Source database has one of the largest libraries of Applichttp://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Psycopg2_TutorialThere are any number of programming languages available for you to use with PostgreSQL. One could argue that Pos...


有时候,使用者会遇到 access to schema hellip; denied 之类的出错信息。Postgresql 里面,对数据访问的权限,至少分为两个 有时候,使用者会遇到 access to schema … denied 之类的出错信息。 Postgresql 里面,对数据访问的权限,,至少分为两个层次。 一个是 schema, 一个是 table。 所以,对一个普通用户test而言,如果由超级用户给他权限: Grant all on schema01. Table01 to public; 而此时再以普通用户test 来登陆,...


I’m setting up a new Linode Cloud Server and it’s been awesome so far. I installed both MySql and PostgreSql on it, so I’m good to go. I spend a lot of my development time in the database and I want to have my full range of expression with my databases in the cloud. I may be a fan of both the mysql and postgresql command prompts, but I want to work in a nice IDE like Navicat when I can.There, i...

PostgreSQL的Access control lists

ACL表现行式:grantee=flags/grantor 其中: grantee:被授予权限的角色 flags:字符串方式表示的权限 grantor:授权的用户 FlagDescriptionStatementsApplies toa append, insert new data INSERT tables, columnsr read, get data SELECT tables, columns, and sequencesw write, update data UPDATE tablesd delete data DELETE tablesD delete all data TRUNCATE tablesC create a new object CREATE databases, schemas, a...