【nodeJS TypeScript undefined null 变量旁边问号?】教程文章相关的互联网学习教程文章

nodeJS TypeScript undefined null 变量旁边问号?【代码】【图】

https://github.com/smallinsect/MyJS/blob/main/TypeScript/define.ts 1 // a是undefined表示变量未定义,理解为变量不存在。2 // a=null表示变量值为空值,理解为变量存在但没有值。3 4 // 变量a旁边的问号?,表示该字段可有可无5 // 如果变量a没有赋值,这个字段不存在6 // 如果变量a赋值,则这个字段存在7 8 // 变量a旁边没有问号,该字段必须赋值,不赋值,则报错该字段必须赋值。9 10 // 动物 11 interface IAnimal { 12 ...

[Typescript] Perform null Checks with Assertion Functions【代码】【图】

In this lesson, were going to look at how to perform null checks with assertion functions. Were going to assert that a nullable value doesnt hold the value null. In the process, were going to learn how assertion functions integrate with TypeScripts control flow analysis.const root = document.getElementById("root") `root` can be `HTMLElement` or `null` type.root.addEventListener("click", () => {})I...