【网络编程 --- subprocess模块,struct模块,粘包,UDP协议,socket_server模块】教程文章相关的互联网学习教程文章

解决错误:rpmdb: BDB0113 Thread/process 13391/139955163138112 failed: BDB1507 Thread die【代码】

# cd /var/lib/rpm # ls Basenames __db.001 __db.003 Group Name Packages Requirename Sigmd5 Conflictname __db.002 Dirnames Installtid Obsoletename Providename Sha1header Triggername # rm -rf __db* # rpm --rebuilddb

Operation System Concepts Ch.6 Process Synchronization【代码】

6.1 Background shared data, uncontrolled scheduling, inconsistency, execution order ... Race condition: outcome depends on access order6.2 Critical-Section Problem critical section: one in, no other in entry/critical/exit/remainder section mutual exclusion, progress, bounded waiting non-preemptive: free of race conditions in kernel mode, not responsive6.3 Mutex Locks declare a lock variable (e....

NetSuite Batch Process Status【代码】

Check of back-end process status which might impact reporting, learn how things are calculate/processing in NetSuite /app/accounting/bulkprocessing/bulkprocessingstatuslist.nl [{"value": "@ALL@","text": "- All -"},{"value": "SUPPLYREALLOCATION","text": "Allocate Orders"},{"value": "ALLOCATEREVARRANGEMENT","text": "Allocate Revenue Arrangements"},{"value": "BULKAUTHCOMMISSN","text": "Authorize Com...


BeanPostProcess简介 在Spring中 BeanPostProcessor 是一个非常重要的接口,它用于在每个bean对象初始化前后修改Bean的属性信息,比如我们最常用的@Autowired注解,在内部处理的时候,是通过一个AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor类来对bean的属性进行自动注入的,而AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor也是 BeanPostProcessor的一个实现类。它在createBean的时候会被调用。 1. Spring createBean基本流程图 在Spring中创建B...


上篇笔记主要记录了BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor扩展机制的实现原理,这篇笔记注意记录下,自己在学习源码的过程中,看到的该扩展机制使用的地方 其实我上篇笔记有说过,这个扩展机制,太靠前,如果我们通过@Component注解去注入到spring容器中,那我们自定义的实现类是在所有的业务bean还没有放到spring容器中的时候,就执行了,此时一般也很少有业务需求是在这个时候对beanDefinition进行一些修改,但是,在底层框架中,...


好程序员云计算学习路线分享查看进程process了解如进程的:? PID,PPID? 当前的进程状态? 内存的分配情况? CPU和已花费的实际时间? 用户UID,他决定进程的特权netstat -anptu 查看端口 [root@tianyun ~]# yum clean all // 清除原来旧的YUM 数据库信息[root@tianyun ~]# yum makecache静态查看进程 ps[root@tianyun ~]# ps aux |lessUSER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMANDroot 1 0.0 0.0 2164 648 ? Ss 08:47 0:...

ksvcreate: Process(m000) creation failed 处理

ksvcreate: Process(m000) creation failed 处理同事打电话过来说有台数据库(连不上了,查看alert日志:Tue Jun 17 14:55:04 2014Process m000 died, see its trace fileTue Jun 17 14:55:04 2014ksvcreate: Process(m000) creation failedTue Jun 17 14:56:05 2014Process m000 died, see its trace fileTue Jun 17 14:56:05 2014ksvcreate: Process(m000) creation failedTue Jun 17 14:57:06 2014Process m000 die...

[基础架构]PeopleSoft Process Scheduler 重要文件说明

我们都知道PeopleSoft是由几个不同的服务组成的,他们在PeopleSoft体系结构中扮演着自己的角色。这些服务具有不同的文件结构并包含重要的可执行文件和配置文件。以下是Peoplesoft体系结构中比较重要的服务: 文件服务; web服务; 应用服务; Tuxedo; Batch服务/Process scheduler; 数据库服务;本篇讨论PeopleSoft进程调度服务器目录及配置文件。PeopleSoft Process Scheduler是一个集中的工具,可以使程序开...

communicate with other processes, regardless of where they are running

Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment Third Edition In the previous chapter, we looked at pipes, FIFOs, message queues, semaphores, and shared memory the classical methods of IPC provided by various UNIX systems.These mechanisms allow processes runningon the same computer to communicate with one another.In this chapter, we look at the mechanisms thatallow processes running on different comp...

show processlist中kill锁表语句与慢sql【图】

CleverCode研究了一下,怎么kill掉慢的sql语句。 1 单个kill mysql> show processlist;mysql > kill 251;#批量kill1)查找Lockd语句 mysql -uroot -p123456 -h -e "show processlist" | grep -i ‘Locked‘ > locked_log.txt2)组合kill for line in `cat locked_log.txt | awk ‘{print $1}‘` do echo "kill $line;" >> kill_thread_id.sql done3)执行 mysql>source kill_thread_id.sqlshow processlist中kill锁...

Status bar could not find cached time string image. Rendering in-process?【代码】【图】

在开发中,控制台经常输出“Status bar could not find cached time string image. Rendering in-process?”在 Info.plist 中添加如下配置<key>UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance</key> <false/> p.p1 { margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 14.0px "Helvetica Neue"; color: #14171c }原文:https://www.cnblogs.com/jukaiit/p/10275680.html




题意: 给你ABCD四个集合,集合中数的个数都为N(N<=4000),如果分别在ABCD四个集合中取一个数,a b c d ,求有多少种可能使得a+b+c+d=0。 当然你可以尝试枚举所有的组合,绝对可以计算出结果,大概有N^4种吧,如果你有足够的时间还是可以算出来的,哈哈。 当然我不是用上面一种方法计算的,那样算肯定超时。 我的做法是求出所有a+b 到ab数组中, 和所有 c+d到cd数组中,然后排序,枚举每个ab,用二分在cd中查找有没...

open数据库报错ERROR at line 1: ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel Process ID: 3880 Session ID: 125 Serial number: 3【图】

ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channelProcess ID: 3880Session ID: 125 Serial number: 3 2.想看下数据库的状态,发现提示:not connected to ORACLESYS@EMREP> select status,instance_name from v$instance;ERROR:ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE 3.排查错误,使用Oracle三部启动法: startup nomount;(如果起来,说明参数文件没问题) alter database mount;(如果起来,说明控制文件没问题) alter databas...

yum源出问题,rpmdb: BDB0113 Thread/process 17276/140338032428864 failed: BDB1507 Thread died in Berkeley DB library【图】

yum源出问题 cd /var/lib/rpm rm -f *db.* rpm --rebuilddb 重构了之后就可以用了yum源出问题,rpmdb: BDB0113 Thread/process 17276/140338032428864 failed: BDB1507 Thread died in Berkeley DB library标签:rebuild 技术 bsp 重构 http ESS build rpmdb ima 本文系统来源:https://www.cnblogs.com/gered/p/12008684.html