

我有问题,我希望Docker Compose在设置MySQL后直接导入我的Database.sql文件.但它总是抛出我的错误:You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘DELIMITER |’ at line 1但不知何故,当我通过浏览器中的phpMyAdmin导入它时,它的工作原理非常好. 这是我的docker-compose.yml:version: "3.2" services:php:build: './php/'networks:...


我正在Java应用程序中运行一些简单的MYSQL语句.我在语句上遇到语法错误,如果我通过Navicat直接对MYSQL服务器运行它,它似乎运行正常.给我带来麻烦的声明是: @NamedQuery(name =“Image.findDefaultByTest”,query =“SELECT i FROM Image i where(i.test_id =:test)LIMIT 0,1”) 我得到的错误是: 解析查询的语法错误[Image.findDefaultByTest:SELECT i FROM Image i where(i.test_id =:test)LIMIT 0,1],第1行,第48列:[LIMIT]处...


我有一个MySQL查询,可以在我当前的MySQL数据库上运行.我被迫转移到oracle,所以我试图将所有存储过程/程序移植到使用Oracle SQL语法.我在一个特定的查询上遇到了很多麻烦.这是MySQL查询.它使用子查询更新表.update table1 alf set nextcontractid = (select contractid from table1copy alf2 where alf2.assetid = alf.AssetID and alf2.lasttradedate > alf.LastTradeDate order by lasttradedate asc limit 1) where complete = 0...

mysql – 来自CREATE USER的语法错误,包含用户名和密码的变量【代码】

存储过程代码:CREATE DEFINER = `root` @`localhost` PROCEDURE `P_CreateUser3` (IN _Username NVARCHAR(30), IN _Password NVARCHAR(32), IN _DBName VARCHAR(20)) BEGINCREATE USER _Username @'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY _Password ;GRANT SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT ON _DBName.* TO _Username @'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION ; END $$Error Code: 1064You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual ...

Flyway MySQL语法错误【代码】

我们从1个月开始使用Flyway而没有遇到任何问题. 但是,今天我尝试添加一个非常长(超过1500行)的新迁移脚本,并遇到奇怪的MySQL语法错误. 我在MySQL Workbench中打开了这个脚本,没有报告语法错误,脚本执行没有错误. 这个名为’V10012__insert-acceptance-testing-event-moment-passed.sql’的脚本包含以下说明.INSERT statement 1 INSERT statement 2 … INSERT statement LAST – 1 INSERT statement LASTMySQL报告的错误如下:[E...

MySQL:如何在更改类型的列期间解决ALTER TABLE语句中的语法错误【代码】

跑步时ALTER TABLE my_table modify column my_column int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;我收到了错误消息:Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0' at line 1.如何解决这个问题?解决方法:试试这个代码ALTER TABLE my_table CHANGE mycolumn my_column INT( 10 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1';

mysql – phpmyadmin MariaDb更改表语法错误

当我尝试使用内置的“移动列”功能时,我遇到了phpmyadmin(,Ubuntu 14.04 MariaDb 10.0.23)的问题.我的数据库是“UTF8”和“COLLATE utf8_swedish_ci”.尝试移动varchar列会引发此错误:“#1064 – You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual thatcorresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to usenear ‘=utf8 COLLATE utf8_swedish_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `Stam`’ atline 1”似...

mysql – 创建触发器时出现语法错误【代码】

我正在尝试在MySQL中创建一个新的触发器,但无论我尝试什么,我都会遇到语法错误.我想在html_id列中插入一个值,该列是字母f和列id的串联:CREATE TRIGGER htmlid BEFORE INSERT ON makelist_food FOR EACH ROW BEGINIF (NEW.html_id IS NULL) THENNEW.html_id = CONCAT('f', NEW.id);END IF; END我也试过这个:CREATE TRIGGER htmlid BEFORE INSERT ON makelist_food FOR EACH ROW BEGINIF (NEW.html_id IS NULL) THENINSERT INTO ...


我遇到了MySQL 5.5.24和PHP 5.4.3的问题.我有以下HTML / PHP代码:<?php function connect() {$con = mysql_connect( "", "root", "" );if ( !$con ) {die( "Could not connect: " . mysql_error() );}mysql_select_db( "game" ); }function protect( $string ) {return mysql_real_escape_string( strip_tags( addslashes( $string ) ) ); }if ( isset( $_POST[ 'register' ] ) ) {connect();$username = protect( $...

mysql – 奇怪的NHibernate QueryOver语法错误【代码】

//This code works fine. UserProfile profile = session.QueryOver<UserProfile>().Where(userProfile => userProfile.UserId == user).List().FirstOrDefault();//This code throws an invalid Syntax Error IList<Character> characters = session.QueryOver<Character>().Where(character => character.UserId == user).List<Character>();使用NHibernate QueryOver时,我遇到了上述代码的问题.数据库具有与User表关系设置的两个...


第一个表创建没有问题:mysql > CREATE TABLE nodes(-> id varchar(10) PRIMARY KEY,-> user text,-> uid varchar(10),-> version tinyint,-> changeset smallint,-> timestamp timestamp-> );当我尝试创建MySQL输出错误的第二个表时:mysql > CREATE TABLE node_tags(-> id varchar(10),-> key text,-> value text,-> type text,-> CONSTRAINT pk_node_tag PRIMARY KEY (id, key),-> CONSTRAINT fk_node_tags_id FOREIGN KEY (id)...

mysql – 模拟“如果不存在则创建用户”的语法错误【代码】

MySQL不允许您在create user语句中指定if not exists子句(尽管create table和create procedure确实支持此操作).在2005年有一个功能请求,但MySQL开发人员已经做了很多关于它的事情,所以它可能不会很快发生: http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=15287 我正在尝试使用以下语句模拟此功能:if (select ifnull((select 1from mysql.userwhere User = 'recuser'and Host = '%'), 0) = 0) thencreate user 'recuser'@'%' identified by pa...

mysql – 尝试插入SQL子句的语法错误【代码】

参见英文答案 > 1064 error in CREATE TABLE … TYPE=MYISAM 5个我收到这个错误:CREATE TABLE `libro`(`id` INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`autor_id` INTEGER(11),`titulo` VARCHAR(255),`paginas` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`id`),INDEX `libro_FI_1` (`autor_id`),CONSTRAINT `libro_FK_1`FOREIGN KEY (`autor_id`)REFERENCES `autor` (`id`))Type=InnoDB [propel-sql-exec...

mysql – IF语法错误【代码】

我在遵循IF语法的MySQL指南时遇到语法错误. 我的查询是:if 0=0 then select 'hello world'; end if;从逻辑上讲,这应该选择“你好世界”,但我得到了ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'if (0=0) then select 'hello world'' at line 1 ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; che...

解决mysql8.0授权失败 语法错误【图】

使用navicate远程服务器上的mysql数据库报错1130,查询之后是权限不够的问题,所以此时需要进行授权才能使用。 8.0版本之前的提升权限语句:grant all privileges on *.* to 'root'@'%' identified by `123` with grant option; 新版的语句:use mysqlALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY '123';FLUSH PRIVILEGES; mysql中的语句:

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