【on windows in superset sql lab error "module object has no attribute sigalrm"】教程文章相关的互联网学习教程文章

C#之Windows Form Application与attribute【图】

1. WPF是什么: Windows Presentation Foundation, 它提供了统一的编程模型、语言和框架,真正做到了分离界面设计人员与开发人员的工作, WPF由XAML( eXtensible Application Markup Language )语言编写。 2. Windows Form Project是由几个文件构成的:它们有不同的功能划分 3. 对于一个应用,最重要的就是对用户的各种events做出反应,那么监听器的实现就非常重要,而VS将监听器的设计界面化,我们只需要双击控件,VS就会自动生成...

on windows in superset sql lab error "module object has no attribute sigalrm"【代码】

改下 utils.py 文件 It works after doing the following change (sorry for the massed up alignment, problems with github formatting):def __enter__(self):try:#signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self.handle_timeout)#signal.alarm(self.seconds)passexcept ValueError as e:logging.warning("timeout cant be used in the current context")logging.exception(e) def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):try:#signa...