【(转)Delphi 和 Windows API】教程文章相关的互联网学习教程文章

Delphi使用Windows API函数AnimateWindow实现窗体特效

{**********************************************************************API函数 AnimateWindow 使用:函数功能:窗体显示和隐藏时产生特殊的动画效果;可以产生两种类型的动画效果: 滚动动画 和 滑动动画函数原型:BOOL AnimateWindow(HWND hWnd, DWORD dwTime, DWORD dwFlags)参数说明:hWnd 指定产生动画效果的窗体的句柄; dwTime 指定动画持续的时间(以为秒计算),完成一个动画的标准时间 ...

(转)Delphi 和 Windows API

转自 Delphi and the Windows API - Win32 Shell API - Delphi Power Delphi and the Windows APILast Updated on Wed, 31 Mar 2021 | win32 shell api When Delphi was introduced, it brought a new era to Windows programming. Never before was it so easy to create robust, full-featured applications for the Windows environment with such short development times. Now in its sixth incarnation, Delphi has been the...