【Windows 10上源码编译Poco并编写httpserver和tcpserver | compile and install poco cpp library on windows】教程文章相关的互联网学习教程文章

Windows 10上源码编译Poco并编写httpserver和tcpserver | compile and install poco cpp library on windows【代码】

本文首发于个人博客https://kezunlin.me/post/9587bb47/,欢迎阅读! compile and install poco cpp library on windows Seriesguide to compile and install poco cpp library on windows guide to compile and install poco cpp library on ubuntu 16.04Guide download wget https://pocoproject.org/releases/poco-1.8.1/poco-1.8.1.zip wget https://pocoproject.org/releases/poco-1.8.1/poco-1.8.1.tar.gz build build option...

Compile, link and execute some simple demos of libwebsockets 3.1 with VS 2010 on Windows 7 (2)【图】

Example 2: minimal websocket server A minimal websocket server demo is put into the directory minimal-examples\ws-server\minimal-ws-server. Create a subfolder minimal-ws-server below the directory lws-demos. Copy the subfolder mount-origin and such files to the path lws-demos\minimal-ws-server: minimal-ws-server.c, protocol_lws_minimal.c, localhost-100y.cert, localhost-100y.key, websockets...