【start.sh在linux下启动报错 Can't connect to any repository: ,cannot open git-receive-pack】教程文章相关的互联网学习教程文章

阿里云专有网络GitLab6.3.1启动报错 master failed to start【代码】【图】

帮朋友搭建Gitlab环境,前面所有步骤均正常操作,但是在启动时候,报错: master failed to start, check stderr log for details。硬件环境:阿里云ECS主机网络:专有网络启动时现象:[git@iZ2ze2wsg ~]$ /etc/init.d/gitlab restart Removing stale Unicorn web server pid. This is most likely caused by the web server crashing the last time it ran. Shutting down Unicorn. GitLab is not running. Starting both the Git...

start.sh在linux下启动报错 Can't connect to any repository: ,cannot open git-receive-pack

个人博客 地址:http://www.wenhaofan.com/article/20181223135418 报错信息Cant connect to any repository: ,cannot open git-receive-pack原因.sh脚本在windows系统下用记事本文件编写的,文件格式为dos解决方法使用vi工具修改.sh文件格式 1.使用vi工具打开文件 vi start.sh 2. 修改文件格式 :set ff=unix :wq