



34 writing efficient code 编写有效的代码 34.1 Memory 内存 34.1.1 Memory Copy: Do not Use libc in the Data Plane 内存拷贝:不要再数据面使用lic 数据面数据操作使用rte_memcpy() 34.1.2 Memory Allocation 内存申请 数据面动态分配内存使用rte_malloc() 34.1.3 Concurrent Access to the Same Memory Area 并发访问同一内存区域 多核对同一内存区域的读写会产生很多数据缓存miss,性能消耗非常高。可以使用每核变量...

帮你把java代码翻译到c/c++ jni调用【代码】【图】

简介 andorid上有个工具叫dex2oat,在apk安装的阶段会把dex转换成elf的二进制格式。基于此思路扩展,如果我们在java字节码生成后产品发布前就把java字节码转换成平台的c/c++ jni调用代码,结合ollvm,那么对外发布的直接就是一个高度混淆的二进制的jni动态库,其逆向难度会大大的增强。(主要场景在于android java && 对外开放jar包代码保护) 实例 以 http://androidxref.com/9.0.0_r3/xref/art/test/003-omnibus-opcodes/src/Got...


for ‘blog‘:blog\migrations\0001_initial.py:- Create model Category- Create model Post- Create model Tag- Add field tags to post 执行python manage.py migrateF:\pythoncode\django\workspace\blogproject (djanoproject_env) λ python manage.py migrate Operations to perform:Apply all migrations: admin, auth, blog, contenttypes, sessions Running migrations:Applying contenttypes.0001_initial... OKApplyin...

在jQuery 1.5中使用deferred对象的代码(翻译)

译者注:1. Deferred是jQuery1.5新增的一个特性,很多人把它翻译成 “异步队列”,我觉得比较靠谱,毕竟和“延迟”没啥关系,不过这篇文章中我还采用deferred这个单词。 2. 这篇文章在jQuery1.5发布博客中提到,也是目前介绍deferred比较经典和深入的文章。鉴于目前中文资料比较少,特别翻译出来供大家学习参考。 3. 通篇采用意译的方式,如有不当还请大家提出。 jQuery1.5中新增的Deferreds对象,可以将任务完成的处理方式与任务本...


Writing maintainable Object-Oriented (OO) JavaScript will save you money and make you popular. Dont believe me? Odds are that either you or someone else will come back and work with your code. Making that as painless an experience as possible will save time, which we all know equates to money. It will also win you the favor of those for whom you just saved a headache. But before we dive into writi...


Writing maintainable Object-Oriented (OO) JavaScript will save you money and make you popular. Don't believe me? Odds are that either you or someone else will come back and work with your code. Making that as painless an experience as possible will save time, which we all know equates to money. It will also win you the favor of those for whom you just saved a headache. But before we dive into writ...


译者注:1. Deferred是jQuery1.5新增的一个特性,很多人把它翻译成 “异步队列”,我觉得比较靠谱,毕竟和“延迟”没啥关系,不过这篇文章中我还采用deferred这个单词。 2. 这篇文章在jQuery1.5发布博客中提到,也是目前介绍deferred比较经典和深入的文章。鉴于目前中文资料比较少,特别翻译出来供大家学习参考。 3. 通篇采用意译的方式,如有不当还请大家提出。 jQuery1.5中新增的Deferreds对象,可以将任务完成的处理方式与任务本...


php怎样将这些代码翻译输出成中文到txt文件吗?\u3000\u3000\u54c7\u9760\uff01\u96be\u9053\u662f\u987f\u609f\u4e86\uff1f<\/p>=  哇靠!难道是顿悟了?请问\u3000这些是什么语言代码?php怎样将这些代码翻译输出成中文到txt文件吗?------解决方案-------------------- 那些都是中文来的