accessible to

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【accessible to】技术教程文章

Java 出现 No enclosing instance of type Test1 is accessible.(转,自己也遇到了!)【代码】【图】

最近在看Java,在编译写书上一个例子时,由于书上的代码只有一部分,于是就自己补了一个内部类。结果编译时出现:No enclosing instance of type E is accessible. Must qualify the allocation with an enclosing instance of type E(e.g. A() where x is an instance of E). E指代我写的那个内部类。根据提示,没有可访问的内部类E的实例,必须分配一个合适的内部类E的实例(如 A(),x必须是E的实例。)看着这句提示...

Java出现No enclosing instance of type E is accessible. Must qualify the allocation with an enclosing

今天在写SAX解析,用到了继承,我把父类写成了内部类,出现了No enclosing instance of type saxDom is accessible to invoke the super constructor. Must define a constructor and explicitly qualify its super constructor invocation with an instance of saxDom (e.g. x.super() where x is an instance of saxDom).错误 网上查找了错误原因如下:原来我写的内部类是动态的,也就是开头以public class开头。而主程序是public st...

Access restriction: SSLSocket is not accessible due to restriction issue【图】

Access restriction: The method setSSLParameters(SSLParameters) from the type SSLSocket is not accessible due to restriction on required library C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_79\jre\lib\rt.jar Menu-projects-java build path-libraries-chose JRE (列表最下面)-Edit-Execution environment- chose JavaRE-1.7(或者1.8)-finish- 原文:

[HTML5] Accessible Icon Buttons【代码】

Icon buttons are very common in web applications, yet they often have accessibility problems. Learn how to make your icon buttons accessible to keyboard and screen reader users with HTML, CSS, SVG and ARIA. <!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><title>Button Demo</title><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/demo.css"></head><body><main><button>Help!</button><button><span class="visuallyh...

Java中报错No enclosing instance of type caiquan is accessible. Must qualify the allocation with an enclosing instance of type caiquan (e.g. A() where x is an instance of caiquan).

package test;import java.util.Scanner;import java.util.Random;public class caiquan { public static void main(String[] args){ Game g=new Game(); g.begin(); }//将这个类定义为静态就好了,也就说改成 static class Game class Game{ public void begin(){ System.out.println("********************"); System.out.println("A finger-guessing game"); System.out.println("********************"); System.o...

Error resolving template: template might not exist or might not be accessible是一句缩水报错?【代码】

一thymeleaf在开发的时候本地调试正常,但是在测试环境打成jar包就报这个错误了。 二template might not exist or might not be accessible翻译过来就是模板可能不存在或者无法连接 这时候我在测试环境直接用静态资源找,是可以找到的。但是,走springmvc的话,就会报这个错误。那么,很明显thymeleaf这个报错有问题。 三完蛋啊,报错有问题的话,我怎么定位错误啊!!!然后,我就逻辑短路了.... 四不用怕,我有百度。直接用 temp...

pl/sql Dynamic Performance Tables not accessible,Automatic Statistics disabled for this session【图】

一、问题描述:pl/sql Dynamic Performance Tables not accessible,Automatic Statistics disabled for this session打开PL/SQL时,报的错。 二、解决办法,来源与互联网:第三种方法(推荐)彻底禁掉PL/SQL Developer的这个功能。方法如下:导航到Tools --> Preferences --> Options找到“Automatic Statistics”选项,将其前面的小对勾去掉,然后点击“Apply”和“OK”保存退出。不晓得,以后是否会在需要这个选项!原文:http:/...

报错: The type ByteInputStream is not accessible due to restriction on required library

报错: Access restriction:The type JPEGCodec is not accessible due to restriction on required library C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\rt.jar 解决方法: Project -> Properties -> libraries, 先remove掉JRE System Library,然后再Add Library重新加入。 原文:

plsql查询报错:Dynamic Performamnce Tables not accessible【代码】【图】

给报错的用户增加权限grantSELECTANY DICTIONARY以sysdba的身份登陆给普通用户赋权,比如使用sys账户,connect as sysdba,执行上面这条指令即可重新以普通用户身份登陆,不会再报错原文:

template might not exist or might not be accessible by any of the configured Template Resolvers【代码】【图】

org.thymeleaf.exceptions.TemplateInputException: Error resolving template [xx], template might not exist or might not be accessible by any of the configured Template Resolvers 错误原因 模板不存在或者找不到任何已配置的模板解析程序可以解析模板 解决方案 模板不存在 在对应的Controller类的方法中,在src/main/resources/templates目录下检查返回的模板是否存在 返回字符串 返回字符串将Controller类中@Controller注...