nginx error!

以下是为您整理出来关于【nginx error!】合集内容,如果觉得还不错,请帮忙转发推荐。

【nginx error!】技术教程文章

解决nginx: [error] open() "/usr/local/nginx/logs/" failed错误

重新启动服务器,访问web服务发现无法浏览啦!登陆服务器之后进到nginx使用./nginx -s reload重新读取配置文件,发现报nginx: [error] open() "/usr/local/nginx/logs/" failed (2: No such file or directory)错误,进到logs文件发现的确没有nginx.pid文件 [root@localhost sbin]# ./nginx -s reloadnginx: [error] open() "/usr/local/nginx/logs/" failed (2: No such file or directory) 解决方法:[root@lo...

Nginx错误:nginx: [error] OpenEvent("Global\ngx_reload_6252") failed (2: The system cannot find the file specified)

执行nginx -s reload命令:nginx: [error] OpenEvent("Global\ngx_reload_6252") failed (2: The system cannot find the file specified)错误原因:Nginx 尚未启动导致,执行 start nginx 命令开启NginxNginx错误:nginx: [error] OpenEvent("Global\ngx_reload_6252") failed (2: The system cannot find the file specified)原文:

zabbix nginx error log监控【代码】【图】

自定义key值,匹配1分钟前nginx error log出现的次数。nginx_error_log的日志格式:2016/12/05 21:01:29 [error] 13672#0: *440841 open() "/data/didipingang/steel-front/js/libs/" failed (2: No such file or directory), client:, server: _, request: "GET /js/libs/ HTTP/1.0", host: "ddpg-static-steel-front"脚本如下:#!/bin/bash function error { da...

nginx: [error] OpenEvent("Global\ngx_reload_5744") failed (2: The system cannot find the【代码】【图】

Hello,好久不见,最近真的变得懒了,码博客的机会也少了.有人可能问我原因?因为忙着找对象啊!!! 一.问题回顾 最近,我们小组开发了售卡的管理后台,需要在windows配置下nginx代理.看似非常简单,我擦,竟然报错了.我们先把报错信息抓过来看看 nginx: [error] OpenEvent("Global\ngx_reload_5744") failed (2: The system cannot find the file specified)左看右看,也猜不透哪里的问题导致报错,网上搜了一下,都说是nginx没有启动,什么鬼? ...

解决Nginx: [error] open() "/usr/local/Nginx/logs/【代码】

解决Nginx: [error] open() "/usr/local/Nginx/logs/ 重新启动服务器,访问web服务发现无法浏览啦!登陆服务器之后进到nginx使用./nginx -s reload重新读取配置文件,发现报nginx: [error] open() "/usr/local/nginx/logs/" failed (2: No such file or directory)错误,进到logs文件发现的确没有nginx.pid文件[root@localhost sbin]# ./nginx -s reloadnginx: [error] open() "/usr/local/nginx/logs/

nginx: [error] invalid PID number

一、检查nginx配置文件语法有无错误 [root@web01 conf]# /application/nginx/sbin/nginx -tnginx: the configuration file /application/nginx-16.0/conf/nginx.conf syntax is ok nginx: configuration file /application/nginx-16.0/conf/nginx.conf test is successful 二、平滑重启并失败 [root@web01 conf]# /application/nginx/sbin/nginx -s reloadnginx: [error] invalid PID number "" in "/application/nginx-16.0/log...

nginx: [error] open() "/usr/local/var/run/" failed (2: No such file or directory)【图】

启动Nginx出现这个错误: nginx: [error] open() "/usr/local/var/run/" failed (2: No such file or directory)解决方法:找到你的nginx.conf的文件夹目录,然后运行这个 nginx -c /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf命令, 再运行 sudo nginx -s reload,就可以了, 如下图所示:

nginx: [error] invalid PID number “” in “/usr/local/var/run/nginx/”

在Mac上用brew安装Nginx,然后修改Nginx配置文件,再重启时报出如下错误: nginx: [error] invalid PID number "" in "/usr/local/var/run/nginx/" 解决办法: $ sudo nginx -c /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf $ sudo nginx -s reload -c /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf

nginx: [error] invalid PID number "" in "/run/ngin【代码】

nginx重启报错:nginx: [error] invalid PID number "" in "/run/" 问题描述:执行 nginx -t 是OK的,然而在执行 nginx -s reload 的时候报错nginx: [error] invalid PID number “” in “/run/” 解决办法需要先执行nginx -c /etc/nginx/nginx.confnginx.conf文件的路径可以从nginx -t的返回中找到。nginx -s reload

解决nginx: [error] invalid PID number "" in "/var/run/nginx/"【代码】

以下内容仅供参考: 打开你本机 ${nginx}/conf/,执行以下代码 [root@localhost sbin]# ./nginx -c /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf指定 nginx 使用哪个配置文件[root@localhost sbin]# ./nginx -s reload [root@localhost sbin]# ./nginx -s start 启动成功点赞 收藏分享文章举报小洛哎发布了9 篇原创文章 · 获赞 0 · 访问量 124私信 关注