




Something About Perl

Perl is a high-level , general-purpose,interpreted ,dynamic programming language . It was originally developed by Larry Wall in 1987 as a general-purpose Unix scripting language to make report processing easier . It borrows features from other programming languages including C , shell scripting , AWK and sed . The language provides powerful text processing facilities without the arbitrary data len...

Perl入门 - Perl方法的使用【代码】

1.定义一个方法  Perl使用sub定义方法。  语法:  sub 方法名称{方法体}2.调用一个方法  Perl直接使用方法名称调用方法。  调用方式有以下四种:    方法名称;    &方法名称;    方法名称();    &方法名称();  说明:方法调用可以再任何位置,可以在方法前、后调用,也可以在方法体内部调用。3.传递参数  Perl通过方法名后面的括号将参数列表传递到方法体内。例如:function_name("param1","param...

How to debug in Perl ?

If it is a small program, you can use this way: C:\Rebecca\script\perl>perl -d Loading DB routines from version 1.39_10Editor support available. Enter h or ‘h h‘ for help, or ‘perldoc perldebug‘ for morehelp. main::( my $number1 = 10; DB<1> $number1= 3 #you can change the number here DB<2> n #press n to execute next commandmain::( my...


本文关于Perl线程的内容初始主要来自于《Pro Perl》的第21章,未来可能会逐渐添加、完善更多内容,当然也可能分离一部分内容单独成文。线程简介线程(thread)是轻量级进程,和进程一样,都能独立、并行运行,也由父线程创建,并由父线程所拥有,线程也有线程ID作为线程的唯一标识符,也需要等待线程执行完毕后收集它们的退出状态(比如使用join收尸),就像waitpid对待子进程一样。线程运行在进程内部,每个进程都至少有一个线程,即m...


目录失败尝试一:使用cpanm失败尝试二:使用CPAN成功尝试:直接conda安装bioperl没有尝试:源码安装bioperl 生信软件绕不过Perl,Perl绕不过Bioperl。而Bioperl的安装总让人头大,尤其是对普通用户。以下错误你肯定经常遇到: Can‘t locate Bio/ in @INC (you may need to install the Bio::Seq module) (@INC contains:..... 这里记录尝试的过程,虽然前面几个失败了。但方向是没有错的,只是Bioperl太大,依赖的模块太多了...

perl anyevent socket监控web日志client【代码】

此脚本为client端的code,主要实现读取日志中的一些关键词进行过滤,以下介绍几个模块的用途:File::Tail 用于读取日志,功能类似于linux中tail ,只读取最新的日志AnyEvent 处理异步事件AnyEvent::Socket 建立socket连接AnyEvent::Handle 处理Socket中的句柄Config::Tiny 读取ini配置文件#!/usr/bin/perl #use warnings; #use strict; use File::Tail; use AnyEvent; use AnyEvent::Socket; use AnyEvent::Handle; use Config::Ti...

The ABC of Perl : My First Perl Program【代码】【图】

Hi everyone. Today I will start a new series of esssays introducing the elementary knowledge of Perl, a computer language of which probably many of us never heard. I‘ll try my best to articulate my idea. If there is something you disgree with, please feedback to me and I will seriously consider your views. I. What‘s Perl (Practical Extraction and Report Language)? Just as C/C++, Perl is just ...


1 请用perl在屏幕输出hello,world[root@localhost perl]# cat #!/usr/bin/perl print "hello,world!\n"; [root@localhost perl]# ./ hello,world!2 截取出正则的匹配内容,在shell中,真是头都大了#!/usr/bin/perl -w $_="<span class=\"title\">Counter-Strike Global Ofensive</span>"; if(/<span class=\"title\">(.*)<\/span>/) { print "$1\n"; }[root@localhost perl]# ./ Counter-S...


1use utf8; 2open A, ">&STDOUT"; 3open STDOUT, ">AA.txt"; 4print STDOUT ‘AB‘; 5open STDOUT, ">&A"; 6binmode(STDOUT,":encoding(gbk)"); 7print"你好\n";先把A重定向到STDOUT,之后的STDOUT不代表标准输出了到最后用完了再恢复 原文: