



JavaScript脚本语言中,大家对String对象使用replace()函数肯定不陌生,但是却没有如Java语言一般有replaceAll()方法,但是在使用中,又不可避免的会使用到,这种时候当然只有我们程序员自己来动手咯!!/*** Author Joyce.Luo 10:19:54 prepared in 2015.01.05* JavaScript language Methods: replaceAll(), based on the replace() method to realize* @param {} rgExp The need to replace the string or regular object* @para...

java – String.replaceAll()函数出错【代码】

我正在尝试以下代码: – String x = "asdfg/dgws"; x.replaceAll("/", "\\");但这是失败的.这给了我以下错误信息: – Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: 1at java.lang.String.charAt(Unknown Source)at java.util.regex.Matcher.appendReplacement(Unknown Source)at java.util.regex.Matcher.replaceAll(Unknown Source)at java.lang.String.replaceAll(Unkn...


而str.replace(/\-/g,"!")则可以全部替换掉匹配的字符(g为全局标志)。 replace() The replace() method returns the string that results when you replace text matching its first argument (a regular expression) with the text of the second argument (a string). If the g (global) flag is not set in the regular expression declaration, this method replaces only the first occurrence of the pattern. For example, ...


由于javascript中的replace函数无法替换全部匹配的字符串,所以需要为String类增加一个方法,代码如下:代码如下: String.prototype.replaceAll = function(reallyDo, replaceWith, ignoreCase) { if (!RegExp.prototype.isPrototypeOf(reallyDo)) { return this.replace(new RegExp(reallyDo, (ignoreCase ? "gi": "g")), replaceWith); } else { return this.replace(reallyDo, replaceWit...


由于javascript中的replace函数无法替换全部匹配的字符串,所以需要为String类增加一个方法,代码如下:代码如下: String.prototype.replaceAll = function(reallyDo, replaceWith, ignoreCase) { if (!RegExp.prototype.isPrototypeOf(reallyDo)) { return this.replace(new RegExp(reallyDo, (ignoreCase ? "gi": "g")), replaceWith); } else { return this.replace(reallyDo, replaceWith); } }


而str.replace(/\-/g,"!")则可以全部替换掉匹配的字符(g为全局标志)。 replace() The replace() method returns the string that results when you replace text matching its first argument (a regular expression) with the text of the second argument (a string). If the g (global) flag is not set in the regular expression declaration, this method replaces only the first occurrence of the pattern. For example, ...


replaceAll()函数用于使用当前匹配元素替换掉所有的目标元素。该函数属于jQuery对象(实例)。语法jQuery 1.2 新增该函数。jQueryObject.replaceAll( target )参数参数描述target String/Element/jQuery/Array类型被替换的目标元素,这些元素将被当前匹配元素替换掉。 如果参数target为字符串,则将其视作jQuery选择器。返回值replaceAll()函数的返回值为jQuery类型,返回表示替换内容的jQuery对象。与被替换掉的节点关联的所有...