
How do you install mysql-connector-python (development version) through pip?【代码】【图】

8http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31748278/how-do-you-install-mysql-connector-python-development-version-through-pip/34027037#34027037 I have a virtualenv in which I am running Django 1.8 with Python 3.4 I am trying to get support for MySQL however I am having trouble getting the different connectors to work. I have always used mysql-connector-python with django 1.7 and would like to continue ...


ubuntumysqlpython 我用的是ubuntu系统,我要用python连接mysql,用 pip search mysql-connector时有mysql-connector-python和mysql-connector-python-rf,请问他们什么区别,谢谢


#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #----------------------------------------------------------# # Date : xxxx-xx-xx # # Author : Created by zhouwanchun. # # Wechat : loveoracle11g # # Function: This scripts function is ... # # Version : 1.1 ...


我该如何解决这个错误?我需要使用Anaconda Python 3.6.dhcp-wifi-8021x-155-41-106-41:~ Tkixi$conda update jupyter numpy mysql-connector-python scipyPackageNotInstalledError: Package is not installed in prefix.prefix: /Users/Tkixi/anacondapackage name: mysql-connector-pythondhcp-wifi-8021x-155-41-106-41:~ Tkixi$conda list # packages in environment at /Users/Tkixi/anaconda: # _license ...

mysql-connector-python 学习笔记【代码】

#!/usr/bin/env python3# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-########## prepare ########### install mysql-connector-python:# pip install mysql-connector-pythonimport mysql.connectorclass DBMysql(): """mysql数据库相关操作""" def __init__(self,ip="",port = "3306",user="root", password="123456", database="test"): self.ip = ip self.port = port self.user = user self.pwd = pas...