

题目描述从键盘输入10个学生的姓名和成绩,请按字典序排列学生的姓名并输出(姓名和成绩对应关系保持不变)。输入输入共11行,前10行每行是一个学生的姓名,最后一行是10个用空格分开的整数表示对应的10个学生成绩。输出输出姓名按字典序排列后的学生姓名和成绩,共10行,每个学生的姓名和成绩占一行,姓名和成绩间用逗号分开。示例输入Bush White Mark Jean Black Wood Jenny Frank Bill Smith 78 85 96 65 46 83 77 88 54 98示例...


story=‘‘‘I‘m hurting, baby, I‘m broken downI need your loving, loving, I need it nowWhen I‘m without youI‘m something weakYou got me beggingBegging, I‘m on my kneesI don‘t wanna be needing your loveI just wanna be deep in your loveAnd it‘s killing me when you‘re awayOoh, baby,‘Cause I really don‘t care where you areI just wanna be there where you areAnd I gotta get one little tasteYou...