

MySQL supports Temporary tables to store theresultsetstemporarily for a given connection. Temporary tables are created with the keyword TEMPORARY along with the CREATE TABLE statement.Let us create the temporary table named TempCREATE TEMPORARY TABLE TEMP (id INT); Now you can find out the column names using DESC commandDESC TEMP;The above returns the following resultThis table can be accessed onl...


MySQL Cluster automatically shards at the database layer, spreading the database out across nodes so that developers do not have to write complex and intrusive application-sharding logic (which is required by other platforms).To understand the types of nodes in a MySQL Cluster and to learn how to design, install, configure, and maintain this product, take theMySQL Cluster training course. Below is...


【状元】横瓜-PHP教父(601069289) 20:45:59大家谈谈NOSQL与MYSQL的差距NOSQL与MYSQL实现最热最新查询的分页性能比较MYSQL千亿级要优化的,用起来的不敏捷如果NOSQL一个语句能搞顶,何必用MYSQL都没有比较过吗【状元】Fang(1033289127) 20:46:29nosql 是 sql 的补充啦 【元帅】IT柏拉图(2500875) 20:46:53mongodb其实查询上的性能并不会比mysql多太大,只是sock有优势,真正的优势是做 mapreduce【状元】Fang(1033289127) 20:47:2...


A lot of the charts and tables made inPeriscopeare time series, and the queries behind them are often easier when you can join and aggregate against a list of dates. Not having a complete list of dates causes gaps in the results, changing them in a misleading way:Postgres has a great function for generating a list of dates (seeUse generate_series to get continuous results), and making a list of th...


Installing Lighttpd With PHP5 (PHP-FPM) And MySQL Support On Ubuntu 14.04LTSVersion 1.0Author: Falko Timme, updated by Srijan KishoreLast edited 07/May/2014Lighttpd is a secure, fast, standards-compliant web server designed for speed-critical environments. This tutorial shows how you can install Lighttpd on an Ubuntu 14.04 server with PHP5 support (through PHP-FPM) and MySQL support. PHP-FPM (Fast...


Baumstrukturen sind weit verbereitet in der EDV. Jedes aktuelle Betriebssystem kennt "Verzeichnisse" oder "Ordner" die beliebig verschachtelt werden können und auch viele moderne Applikationen beschränken sich nicht mehr auf eine feste Anzahl von Ebenen. Aber wie legt man so einen Baum in einer (SQL-)Datenbank ab?Kenne Deine Eltern...Mir waren bisher zwei Modelle bekannt:ParentundChilds....


How to create a sample MySQL data base and userYou can download an example data base sql file from here: http://www.mysqltutorial.org/mysql-sample-database.aspx. After unziping you should find following file:rado2@ubuntu12-04:~$ ls -la mysqlsampledatabase.sql-rw-rw-r-- 1 rado2 rado2 190711 May 232013 mysqlsampledatabase.sqlrado2@ubuntu12-04:~$ more mysqlsampledatabase.sql/*http://www.mysqltutorial...


一、方案需求及思路因跑MySQL服务的服务器比较多,并且每台服务器可能会运行多个不同端口的数据库,如果单独手动一台一台去修改agent.conf,web添加监控,这样太麻烦,费时费力。此时有两种方案;其一:在每台跑mysql的服务器上部署一个自动发现脚本,修改agent.conf 并自定义KEY;其二:统一由一台服务器来监控所有服务器上所有运行的mysql服务。发现好像方案二比较更简便些。方案二思路:假设有A、B、C、D、E五台服务器,上面都跑...


今天安装一键lnmp包,安装完之后顺利进入测试页。看到测试页有个phpMyAdmin的链接,点击试下,发现一片空白。顺手打开终端执行mysql,很不幸,报错root@kali:~# mysqlERROR 2002 (HY000): Cant connect to local MySQL server through socket /tmp/mysql.sock (2)首先想到的当然是查看错误日志,打开mysql的错误日志文件,fuck,空文件....这TM是在逗我么。。。此时博主忽然想到大神 : Lellansins 冰森(http://www.lellansin.com...


第一步: 解压包。第二步:引入MySQL的bin路径。第三步: 在cmd下敲入 mysqld -install第四步:启动服务 net start mysql第五步:空密码登录 mysql -uroot -pOver...


Alibaba 数据库团队招聘Oracle MySQL DBAAlibaba 数据库团队招聘Oracle MySQL DBA,上市在即,大家懂得!欢迎有意愿加入阿里巴巴数据库团队的朋友 邮件简历 到 qilong.yangql#gmail.com (#—>@)岗位描述支持整个阿里全线业务系统,提供可靠的存储技术方案;规模化场景下MySQL/OceanBase/RDS的架构规划、自动化运维、软硬件结合方案、容灾、余量探测和规划等岗位要求熟悉MySQL或Oracle数据库的运行机制和体系架构;熟悉Linux/Unix操作...


There are many cool, new things happening withPercona Cloud Tools. To avoid “tl;dr” I will highlight only one new feature after a brief, general announcement. The new feature is a 3-minute MySQL monitor. I’ll blog later about other features.The general announcement is: Last week we quietly released a brand-new agent calledpercona-agent, and we added MySQL and system monitoring to Percona Clo...


python 废话不多说,相信看到这里的看客已经看过很多配置文件的设置方法。但是问题还是没有解决。本文就详细记录一下我的解决方法吧。我的环境:mysql5.6+python2.7.3+MySQLdb1.2.41、桌面上右击 计算机,选择“管理”, 选择“服务和应用程序”---“服务”, 在里面找到MySQL56的服务。2、右击 MySQL服务,查看“属性”:往后拖一下,找到—default-file下图中画框部分,这里指明了MySQL启动的时候要加载的配置文件.3、 找到该路径...


Make sure you didn't miss anything with this list of the Best of the Week in theSQL Zone(May 16 to May 22). Here they are, in order of popularity:1.The PostgreSQL Datatypes You Arent UsingYoure probably not using all the datatypes available to you in PostgreSQL - there are actually quite a few. And thats not to say you should be using all of them, but its always interesting to know whats out there...


阿里云 最近对云和服务器之类的感兴趣,想要将自己的数据什么的保存到远端服务器。研究了阿里云和百度云。今天算是有点进步吧。我在阿里云上申请了个免费的云服务器(ECS),很可惜只能用5天。我也不太懂他的性能怎么样。。反正能用吧。哈哈上图吧。1.主机终端管理:由于对Ubuntu 还算熟悉,我选了装ubuntu 的主机,在“更多操作”选项中,选择“连接终端“,进入连接页面,按照提示输入“VNC”密码,就进入了主机系统,不过是命令...