【javascript – Firebase是否缓存数据?】教程文章相关的互联网学习教程文章


Android客户端的最大Firebase实时数据库缓存大小是多少?受Firebase或Android限制吗? Firebase documentation说:By default, 10MB of previously synced data will be cached. This should be enough for most applications. If the cache outgrows its configured size, the Firebase Realtime Database will purge data that has been used least recently. Data that is kept in sync, will not be purged from the cache但是...

javascript – Firebase是否缓存数据?【代码】

我在某处读到了Firebase缓存数据的说法. 所以我运行了this test,读取了大量的数据(大约400KB). 这是相关的代码.firebase.initializeApp(config);var counter = 0;console.time('firebase answered in'); firebase.database().ref('texts').once('value',onData);function onData(snapshot){console.timeEnd('firebase answered in');counter ++;if(counter > 20) return;setTimeout(function(){console.time('firebase answered in...