
Python and R Reference in Data Analysis / Mining Tools【图】

If you are already familiar with the module/package loading methods of Python and R, the following table is relatively easy to find. Python is referenced in the following table as a module. Some modules are not native modules. Please use pip install * to install; For the same reason, in order to facilitate indexing, R also refers to:: indicates the function and the name of the package where the fu...

Exploratory data analysis and feature extraction with Python【图】

Exploratory data analysis and feature extraction with Python 此图片是学习kaggle中某篇kernel时的思维导图,总结了python进行探索性数据分析和特征提取的基本方法和步骤,有可借鉴内容。 暂时无法找到全篇kernel的链接,若重新找到再附上。

数据分析---《Python for Data Analysis》学习笔记【03】【代码】【图】

《Python for Data Analysis》一书由Wes Mckinney所著,中文译名是《利用Python进行数据分析》。这里记录一下学习过程,其中有些方法和书中不同,是按自己比较熟悉的方式实现的。 第三个实例:US Baby Names 1880-2010 简介: 美国社会保障总署(SSA)提供了一份从1880年到2010年的婴儿姓名频率的数据。 数据地址: https://github.com/wesm/pydata-book/tree/2nd-edition/datasets/babynames 准备工作:导入pandas和matplo...