【如何在Ubuntu x64中使用ptrace插入int3?】教程文章相关的互联网学习教程文章

Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric)上编译带utrace补丁的内核 转【代码】

Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric)上编译带utrace补丁的内核 首先准备linux内核编译环境: sudo apt-get install fakeroot build-essential crash kexec-tools makedumpfile kernel-wedge kernel-package sudo apt-get build-dep linux sudo apt-get install git-core libncurses5 libncurses5-dev libelf-dev asciidoc binutils-dev 检出带有utrace补丁的官方内核代码,并生成对应Ubuntu当前版本内核(3.0)的补丁: git clone https://gith...

如何在Ubuntu x64中使用ptrace插入int3?【代码】

我试图按照this guide设置断点来获得相同的结果,唯一的区别是我在x64系统上.因此,我有以下代码用于“ Hello,World!”:; The _start symbol must be declared for the linker (ld) global _startsection .text _start:; Prepare arguments for the sys_write system call:; - rax: system call number (sys_write); - rdi: file descriptor (stdout); - rsi: pointer to string; - rdx: string lengthmov rax, 1mov...