


c# – 使用Visuals将WPF控件(ComboBox)放入画布【代码】

我正在编写WPF图表并使用Visuals来提高性能.代码如下:public class DrawingCanvas2 : Canvas {private List<Visual> _visuals = new List<Visual>();protected override Visual GetVisualChild( int index ) { return _visuals[index]; }protected override int VisualChildrenCount { get { return _visuals.Count; } }public void AddVisual( Visual visual ){_visuals.Add( visual );base.AddVisualChild( visual );base.AddLo...

Create Power BI visuals by using Python【图】

Create Python visuals in Power BI DesktopSelect the Python visual icon in the Visualizations pane.In the Enable script visuals dialog box that appears, select Enable. When you add a Python visual to a report, Power BI Desktop takes the following actions:A placeholder Python visual image appears on the report canvas.The Python script editor appears along the bottom of the center pane.Next, drag the...