【JPA query between的多种方式(mongodb为例)】教程文章相关的互联网学习教程文章

Choosing Between ElasticSearch, MongoDB & Hadoop

An interesting trend has been developing in the IT landscape over the past few years. Many new technologies develop and immediately latch onto the “Big Data” buzzword. And as older technologies add “Big Data” features in an attempt to keep upwith the Joneses, we are seeing a blurring of the boundaries between various technologies. Say you have search engines such as ElasticSearch or Solr st...

JPA query between的多种方式(mongodb为例)【代码】【图】

背景 JPA+MongoDB查询,给定一段时间范围查询分页结果,要求时间范围包含。 Page<Log> findByCtimeBetweenOrderByCtime(LocalDateTime startTime, LocalDateTime endTime, Pageable pageable);这时候打印的日志为: find using query: { "ctime" : { "$gt" : { "$date" : 1605682694000 }, "$lt" : { "$date" : 1605682800000 } } 没有包含时间范围的边界,不符合要求 实现一 这个实现很骚,官网有解释:查询代码: @Query(value =...