【[MongoDB] - Shell基本命令】教程文章相关的互联网学习教程文章

MongoDB - MongoDB CRUD Operations, Query Documents, Iterate a Cursor in the mongo Shell【代码】

to access the documents, as in the following example:var myCursor = db.users.find( { type: 2 } );while (myCursor.hasNext()) {print(tojson(myCursor.next())); }As an alternative print operation, consider the printjson() helper method to replace print(tojson()):var myCursor = db.users.find( { type: 2 } );while (myCursor.hasNext()) {printjson(myCursor.next()); }You can use the cursor method forEach() ...

MongoDB - The mongo Shell, Write Scripts for the mongo Shell【代码】

shell in JavaScript that manipulate data in MongoDB or perform administrative operation. For more information about the mongo shell, see the Running .js files via a mongo shell Instance on the Server section for more information about using these mongo script. This tutorial provides an introduction to writing JavaScript that uses the mongo shell to access MongoDB. Opening New Connections From th...

MongoDB - The mongo Shell, Access the mongo Shell Help【代码】

shell provides some additional information in its “online” help system. This document provides an overview of accessing this help information. Command Line Help To see the list of options and help for starting the mongo shell, use the --help option from the command line:mongo --help Shell Help To see the list of help, in the mongo shell, type help:help Database Help In the mongo sh...

MongoDB - Introduction of the mongo Shell【代码】

shell is an interactive JavaScript interface to MongoDB. You can use the mongo shell to query and update data as well as perform administrative operations. The mongo shell is a component of the MongoDB distributions. Once you have installed and have started MongoDB, connect the mongo shell to your running MongoDB instance. Most examples in the MongoDB Manual use the mongo shell; however, many driv...

MongoDB - The mongo Shell, Configure the mongo Shell【代码】

shell prompt with the number of operations issued in the current session, define the following variables in the mongo shell:> cmdCount = 1; 1 > prompt = function() { ... return (cmdCount++) + "> "; ... } function () { return (cmdCount++) + "> "; }The prompt would then resemble the following:1> 2> 3> Customize Prompt to Display Database and Hostname To create a mongo shell prompt in the form of <...

MongoDB - The mongo Shell, mongo Shell Quick Reference

shell with the up and down arrow keys. Command history is stored in ~/.dbshell file. See .dbshell for more information. Command Line Options The mongo shell can be started with numerous options. See mongo shell page for details on all available options. The following table displays some common options for mongo: Option Description--help Show command line options--nodbStart mongo shell without c...

MongoDB - The mongo Shell, Data Types in the mongo Shell【代码】

shell provides various methods to return the date, either as a string or as a Date object:Date() method which returns the current date as a string. new Date() constructor which returns a Date object using the ISODate() wrapper. ISODate() constructor which returns a Date object using the ISODate() wrapper.Internally, Date objects are stored as a 64 bit integer representing the number of millisecond...


#!/bin/bash port="27017" start=”nohup /usr/bin/mongod --config /etc/mongod.conf & ” EMAIL=”/bin/echo mongodb | mutt -s "重新启动mongodb" 516249940@qq.com” netstat -ln |awk ‘/^tcp/{print $4}‘|grep -q ":$port$"|| { #restart mongodb eval $start; #$EMAIL exit $? } exit 0之前的mongo从库没有nohup启动,从有时候会自动挂掉,写这个脚本是为了,过一段时间让他自动起来本文出自 “禅剑一如” 博客,请务...

MongoDB3.4 shell CRUD操作【代码】【图】

创建一个空的WebForm应用程序,在Global.asax.cs文件中加入如下代码:public class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication { protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) { //处理匹配的文件 RouteTable.Routes.RouteExistingFiles = true; //url默认值 RouteValueDictionary defaults = new RouteValueDictionary() { { "name", "wuwenmao" ...


MongoDB 是一款NoSql数据库,没有固定的模式,即同一个集合中的不同文档结构可以不同,如:第一条记录{name:”xiaoming”},第二条记录:{name:”xiaoli”,age:15},这在关系型数据库中是无法实现的。对于MongoDB,其中:collections即集合相当于关系型数据库的表,document文档相当于关系型数据库中的行。因此也就是说,MongoDB中的表中存储的数据可以不规定类型等。下面看一下MongoDB自带shell客户端的一些基本操作。 先来看一下...


来查看相关的帮助信息 C:\Users\zouqi>mongod --help Options:General options:-h [ --help ] show this usage information--version show version information-f [ --config ] arg configuration file specifying additional options-v [ --verbose ] [=arg(=v)] be more verbose (include multiple times for moreverbosity e.g. -vvvvv)--quiet quieter output--p...


> db.persons.find() { "_id" : ObjectId("593959250ab68d9cc7011a93"), "name" : "玉杰" } { "_id" : ObjectId("59395c350ab68d9cc7011a94"), "name" : "楚留香" }1.插入文档 db.[documentName].insert({}) 2.批量插入文档shell这样执行是错误的:db.[documentName].insert([{},{},...]) shell不支持批量插入 想完成批量插入可以使用Mongo的应用驱动或者是shell的for循环 > for(var i=0;i<10;i++){ ... db.persons.insert({name:‘...

Mongodb基础操作实践- -Mongodb Shell端

一、连接 1.mongo mongodb://localhost:27000 2. show databases(dbs) use test 3. db show collections 二、插入 1.db.proccessedfile.insertone({fileName:"20170403/3.gz", processedDate:new ISODate(), dataNumber:10000, x:10}) 2.db.mongodb.insertMany([ { item: "journal", qty: 25, tags: ["blank", "red"], size: { h: 14, w: 21, uom: "cm" } }, { item: "mat", qty: 85, tags: ["gray"], size: { h: 27.9, w: 3...

MongoDB GUI( Robo 3T) Shell使用及操作【图】

Robo 3T 下载及使用 之前叫 Robomongo,后面被收购了,改名 Robo 3T 。 下载链接:https://robomongo.org/download (需要FQ) 安装步骤省略,下一步下一步... 图形界面,连接默认,取个名字就行。连接成功,可以愉快的使用了,不用总是敲命令了,简洁方便,多种显示。软件右边可以切换显示样式,慢慢折腾。Robo 3T Shell 操作 右键数据库打开Shell 下面玩一下没用的语法,绿色按钮为运行命令。 1、批量插入(默认是不支批量操作...

windows平台使用MongoDB shell 来连接 MongoDB 服务器并创建数据库【代码】

windows平台使用MongoDB shell 来连接 MongoDB 服务器并创建数据库命令行进入MongoDB的bin目录运行mongod.exemongod --dbpath c:\data\db或者找到MongoDB的bin目录双击运行mongod.exe.待输出 I NETWORK [thread1] waiting for connections on port 27017。命令行进入MongoDB的bin目录运行:mongo打开一个连接(默认为本地连接) 这时候你返回查看运行 ./mongod 命令的窗口,可以看到是从哪里连接到MongoDB的服务器,您可以看到如下信...